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nbme anatomy shelf Questions And Answers With Complete Solutions 9,21 €   In den Einkaufswagen


nbme anatomy shelf Questions And Answers With Complete Solutions

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nbme anatomy shelf Questions And Answers With Complete Solutions Where and why are lumbar punctures performed? Spinal Block -> Anesthetic (into epidural space) Spinal Tap -> CSF extraction (into subarachnoid space)W B/W L3/L4 or L4/L5 NB: Posterior to this is cauda equina Where does...

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nbme anatomy shelf Questions And Answers
With Complete Solutions

Where and why are lumbar punctures performed?
Spinal Block -> Anesthetic (into epidural space)
Spinal Tap -> CSF extraction (into subarachnoid space)W

B/W L3/L4 or L4/L5
NB: Posterior to this is cauda equina
Where does a herniated intervertebral disk occur? What causes it?
Occurs b/w L4/L5 or L5/S1 and C5/C6 or C6/C7
NB: affects lower spinal nerve #

Degeneration of annulus fibrosis followed by sudden compression of nucleus
What is the difference b/w retrolisthesis and spondylolisthesis?
Retro - backwards movement of vertebral bone

Spondylo - forward movement of bone
What is lordosis?
exaggerated Lumbar curvature
What is kyphosis?
exaggerated thoracic curvature (can be seen w/osteoporosis)
What structures will be affected by a fracture of the surgical neck?
axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery
What structures will be affected by a fracture at midshaft of humerus?
radial nerve and profunda brachii artery

,What structures will be affected by a fracture at supracondylar region of
median nerve and brachial artery
What are differences b/w Colles' and Smith's Fractures?
Both are distal radial fractures

Smith's - flexion fracture (distal segment anterior)

Colles' - extension fracture (distal segment posterior/dorsal) - incl. avulced ulnar styloid
What are the carpal bones?
Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle

Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate
Which carpal bone is most often fractured during a fall (symptoms)?

"deep tenderness in anatomical snuff box"
What is a boxer's fracture?
Fracture of necks of metacarpals
What are the 4 muscles of the rotator cuff?
Teres Minor
What innervate the four muscles of the rotator cuff?
Suprascapular N.
Suprascapular N.
Axillary N.
Upper/Lower Subscapular N.
What muscle (+ nerve) initiates abduction of upper limb?

, 0°-15° by supraspinatus (suprascapular nerve)
What muscle (+ nerve) allow for abduction b/w 15° - 110°?
deltoid (axillary nerve)
What muscle (+ nerve) allow for abduction above horizontal position?
trapezius (CN XI) and serratus anterior (Long Thoracic N.)
What is tennis elbow?
AKA lateral epicondylitis; painful inflammation of common extensor tendon -> lateral
What is golfer's elbow
AKA medial epicondylitis; inflammation of common flexor tendon
What are the arterial anastomoses around the scapula?
Problem: blockage of subclavian or axillary a.

Sol'n: anastomoses b/w branches of subscapular a. and thyrocervical trunk
What are contents of cubital fossa?
From lateral to medial:

biceps brachii tendon
brachial a.
median n.
What two muscles form borders of cubital fossa?
Pronator Teres (medial) and Brachioradialis (lateral)
What are subcutaneous structures of cubital fossa?
From lateral to medial:

cephalic v.
median cubital v. (connects the two; over bicipital aponeurosis)
basilic v.
What are causes/symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?
Causes: lesion that ↓ size of carpal tunnel (dislocation of lunate bone, fluid retention,
infection), repetitive movement

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