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Statistics 2, Final Assignment, GRADE 7 6,16 €
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Statistics 2, Final Assignment, GRADE 7

 3 mal verkauft
  • Kurs
  • Hochschule

The final assignment requires you to write a scientific report regarding independently conducted data analyses, to test two hypotheses about three variables each. In this paper described multiple regression and multiple regression with dummy variables

vorschau 2 aus 15   Seiten

  • 1. mai 2024
  • 15
  • 2023/2024
  • Essay
  • Unbekannt
  • A

Impact of Demographic Variables and Electronic Devices on Sleep


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Statistics 2

Gabrielle Kleygrewe, group 4

31 March, 2024

, 2


In recent years, academics and health professionals have been paying more and more attention
to the knowledge of sleep quality and its determinants among children and adolescents (Cain &
Gradisar, 2010). Sleep, an essential component of cognitive function and general health, is a
fundamental physiological process. Nonetheless, many internal and external variables may affect how
well a person sleep.
The purpose of this study is to look at the connections between several environmental and
demographic variables and the quality of sleep and understand how age, gender, and the number of
electronic media devices in the bedroom influence sleep quality. In particular, two theories will be
examined in light of this research. The first hypothesis is that being female and older age is associated
with lower sleep duration compared to being male and younger age. Madrid‐Valero et al. (2017)
revealed that sleep duration is influenced by both sex and age, with women having worse sleep quality
attributed to hormonal variations. It was also shown that older age has a considerable impact on sleep
quality, particularly leading to increased insomnia. The second hypothesis states that a higher number
of electronic media devices in the bedroom and older age is associated with poorer sleep duration
compared to a lower number of electronic devices and younger age. According to Hysing et al. (2015)
as using electronic media in bed and the bedroom becomes connected with using them, frequent usage
of these spaces might lessen their ability to promote sleep. Adolescents' lack of sleep was positively
and substantially correlated with their heavy usage of these gadgets (Hysing et al., 2015).
Understanding how demographics, environment, and sleep quality interact is essential for establishing
tailored treatments to improve sleep patterns.

Sample characteristics
The sample consisted of 460 adolescents from various secondary schools in the Netherlands.
Within the sample 51.3% were female and 48.7% were male. There was an age range of 11 to 15 years
(M = 13.53, SD = 1.57). In the dataset, one case was identified as an outlier due to an implausible
value recorded for age (-14 years), the case was removed from the analysis. Two other cases regarding
sleep pre-test (with 77 hours of sleep) were also excluded. The dataset retained 460 cases for analysis.


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