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(MERIT CRITERIA) BTEC IT Unit 5 Data Modelling Assignment 1 - Task 3 - Analysing features of Spreadsheet (5/A.M1) 7,40 €
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(MERIT CRITERIA) BTEC IT Unit 5 Data Modelling Assignment 1 - Task 3 - Analysing features of Spreadsheet (5/A.M1)

1 bewertung
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This assignment received Distinction for covering 5/A.M2: Analysed how the features of spreadsheet software contribute to the decision-making process. - Unit 3 Data Modelling Assignment 1 (Task3).

vorschau 2 aus 10   Seiten

  • 5. mai 2024
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  • 2022/2023
  • Essay
  • Unbekannt
  • A+

1  bewertung


von: tomurwin • 3 Monate vor

Unit 5: Data Modelling

Analysing how the features of spreadsheet software contribute to the decision-
making process.

Graphs and Charts:

Graphs are where the worksheet's data is represented visually through graphs, meanwhile
charts represent patterns that contain information about the data in the table.
To create a Graph in Excel, the user must select the data needed for the chart to be created,
selecting on “INSERT” menu and then on “Recommended Charts”, the user will be able to
choose any chart that is recommended by Excel, the user can also add chart elements such
data labels and giving titles to axis, and displaying the data in the chart by selecting either
“Chart Elements”, “Chart Styles” or “Chart Filters” and decorating or customising the chart.
Another factor to consider is using “TOOLS” to add additional design and arranging
The benefits of using graphs and charts in Excel is that the data analyst can easily
understand and see through the trends and patterns of the cheese sales over the weeks,
months, year and even the last decade, and its relationship and comparison with total
number of cheeses, its types, exported from the both Netherlands and France, this helps the
company to set goals for the sales of cheese in the near future by using the prediction

, Unit 5: Data Modelling

Data Validation:

Data validation is a feature in which it controls what the users can enter in a cell.
By making rules, when the user enters a data that violates the rule, it will display a message
informing that the user has entered an invalid data.
Creating a Validation rule is achieved by selecting the cells needed to validate, using “Data”
tab and “Data Validation” , this feature will allow the user to select any value wanted to
allow, whether a whole number, list, date and time, text length and even “any value” which
does not apply validation criteria, then the user will specify data validation rules ( note that
the validation options depend on the option selected). When a user tries to enter data that
will violate the validation rule, Excel will inform the user that the data entered in invalid by
displaying a message about the cell restricted. The user is also allowed to add input and type
in a message to inform other people when entering data in the worksheet.

By using Data Validation, the
cheese company will ensure that the data entered is accurate and valid with cleanness, so
that it can make accurate predictions of the sales of the cheese, exchange currency…etc,
from the table without errors that are subject to inaccurate data. This will ensure that the
data is not corrupted from eliminating data errors, in which it will create better results.

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