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(DISTINCTION) BTEC IT Unit 5 Data Modelling Assignment 1 - Task 4 -Evaluate the features of spreadsheet software (5/A.D1) 8,07 €
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(DISTINCTION) BTEC IT Unit 5 Data Modelling Assignment 1 - Task 4 -Evaluate the features of spreadsheet software (5/A.D1)

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This assignment received Distinction for covering 5/A.D1: Evaluated how the features of spreadsheet software contribute to the decision-making process- - Unit 3 Data Modelling Assignment 1 (Task4)

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  • 5. mai 2024
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  • Essay
  • Unbekannt
  • A+

1  bewertung


von: tomurwin • 3 Monate vor

Name: ID: Unit 5: Data Modelling

Evaluate how the features of spreadsheet software contribute to the decision-making

Introduction: This following assignment is a report where I will generally evaluate the usage
of crucial functions used in Microsoft Excel, describing the functions used in and why the
user or data analyst uses the function, explaining how to use these functions and affirming
their advantages and disadvantages (2 for each). While stating whether and these functions
would be helpful to the cheese company, how and why these would these tools be
The functions that are going be mentioned are: VLOOKUP, Data Table, Goal Seek, Data
Validation, Range Name, Macro, Trend Analysis, IF Functions, SUM IF and COUNT IF. These
functions are commonly used and found in Excel along with other tools, and how are they
are going to be useful and if they should be considered by the cheese company.

, Name: ID: Unit 5: Data Modelling


As VLOOKUP stands “Vertical Lookup”. Its role as an implement is looking up a piece of
information in a data or table set and withdrawing some related information or data. It
displays the data from the already existing table that includes the information.
VLOOKUP is used as an important tool in MS Excel in order to search, analyse and find
specific things by row in either a range or a table, for example in this scenario: finding the
employee’s name by their employee ID in the cheese company. Furthermore, VLOOKUP can
easily extract and lookup data rather than an individual having to looking up a piece of
information manually.
One of its benefits is that it deals perfectly with time management and saves it, instead of a
person specifically a data analyst in this scenario having to do it manually especially if the
data in the tables is long and more complex, using VLOOKUP will immediately extract the
data needed in a short time. Another benefit is that it can categorise data in the
correspondent table, this will deal with the spreadsheet especially if it too complex.
Moreover, the data records in the tables and rows will be readable and comprehensible to
lookup for.
However, the drawbacks of using VLOOKUP is that it only looks at the columns to the right
side, this would be a massive limitation if the most major and crucial data and values are
located in the columns at the left side. Another limitation is that VLOOKUP will give incorrect
results if a user inserts any column in the lookup table as the column is hard coded in the
formula, this would a problem if a data is inserted in a blank column.
Overall, I would consider using VLOOKUP as it will save time instead of just looking for a
data over time, this would help especially if there many tables in which the values are
needed to extract. It also will help with more complex matches in the cheese company.

VLOOKUP function has used all the
values from the “ID” and “Company”
columns from the chosen lookup value
which is “HP” in order to look for it.

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