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Class notes BL-T124WSB-6 Concise Australian Commercial Law 9,21 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Class notes BL-T124WSB-6 Concise Australian Commercial Law

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Are you a law student or professional seeking well-organized, comprehensive business law notes? Look no further! Our meticulously crafted notes cover essential topics such as contract law, sale of goods, and negotiable instruments. With practical examples, clear explanations, and legal citations, t...

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I. Chap 1: Introduction to Australian law - Chi tiết & hệ thống luật pháp Úc trong file
note tóm tắt lý thuyết và sách.
1. Definition
- The law is a body of enforceable rules, made and is enforceable by the state (the
parliaments and the courts).
- Commercial law: contract, corporations, consumer, tort, product liability,
partnership, agency law (made by the state and is enforceable by the
state-backed sanctions).
- 2 important factors that set the law apart from other rules:
+ Are made by the state
+ Laws have state-backed enforcement apparatus (lập pháp), procedures
(hành pháp), sanctions (tư pháp) depending on the matter is civil, criminal
or administrative.

2. Functions

,- Regulatory function (điều chỉnh hành vi công dân): inform what we may do, if do,
what we should do, and what shouldn’t
- Dispute resolution function (chức năng giải quyết tranh chấp):
+ Is to provide the means to solve dispute: ensuring
+ Laws are clear and accessible
- Maintaining stability and social cohesion (duy trì sự ổn định và gắn kết xã hội):
+ Community respects: fair and proper process.
+ Commercial activity: fair, stable, predictable
+ If change: in an open, predictable, consistent manner.
- Reinforcing community values (củng cố giá trị cộng đồng): peace, order, social
cohesion: bảo vệ thiểu số khỏi sự chuyên chế của số đông.
- Promoting equality before the law and uphold the rule of law (phát huy sự bình
đẳng trước pháp luật và đề cao nhà nước pháp quyền): the key ideals of liberal
democratic countries (Aus)

3. Rule of law - Magna Carta Institute _ rule of law principle
● Rule of law - sự thống trị của pháp luật: 2 points
- the people (including the government) should be ruled by the law and
obey it
- the law should be such that people will be able (and willing) to be guided
by it.
● Magna Carta Institute - mở rộng từ 2 điểm trên:

,- The separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the
judiciary, (sự phân chia quyền lực giữa lập pháp, hành pháp và tư pháp)

- The law is made by representatives of the people in an open and
transparent way; (được làm ra từ đại diện của công dân 1 cách công khai
và trong sạch)

- The law and its administration is subject to open and free criticism by the
people who may assemble without fear; (chịu sự chỉ trích công khai từ
người dân)

- The law is applied equally and fairly so that no one is above the law; (được
áp dụng bình đẳng và công khai)

- The law is capable of being known to everyone, so that everyone can
comply; (được biết bởi mn)

- No one is subject to any action by any government agency other than in
accordance with the law; (cơ quan chính phủ k hành động ngoài quy định)

- The judicial system (hệ thống tư pháp) is independent, impartial, open
and transparent and provides a fair and prompt trial;

- All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty and are entitled to
remain silent and are not required to incriminate themselves;

- No one can be prosecuted for any offense not known to the law when
committed; (k ai bị truy tố khi hành vi phạm tội chưa được nêu trong pháp

- No one is subject adversely to a retrospective (thay đổi trong quá khứ)
change of the law.

, ● Rule of law to commercial life: vì mục đích chung là creating and seeking for
profit → without rule of law: people seek profit with any means → rule of law:
protect the weak group of people (commercial life) & control the strong group of

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