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ENG 216-Midterm Exam Questions And Answers 100% Verified

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  • ENG 216

ENG 216-Midterm Exam Questions And Answers 100% Verified Ahistorical - answerweb-like, subjective, and fragmented way of perceiving history as a representation or expression of forces on narrative making Archetypes - answerinherited patterns and ideas that come out of Jung's "collective uncons...

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  • ENG 216
  • ENG 216
ENG 216 -Midterm Exam Questions And Answers 100% Verified Ahistorical - answer✔✔web-like, subjective, and fragmented way of perceiving history as a representation or expression of forces on narrative making Archetypes - answer✔✔inherited patterns and ideas that come out of Jung's "collective unconscious", such as universal and recurring motifs and images Artifacts - answer✔✔elements of discourse that supplement and subvert history and the master narrative Author - answer✔✔content creator; credibility as a writer Author Function - answer✔✔constructed social position devised as an activity of discourse. Proposed by Michel Foucault Base - answer✔✔economics; the acts of productive and consumptive support for superstructure. Part of Marx's theory. Binary Opposition - answer✔✔system of dualities. Jacques Derrida Binary Privilege - answer✔✔the favoring of one of the binary pairings over the other (Jacques Derrida) Canon - answer✔✔something worthy of studying Collective Unconscious - answer✔✔derived from ancestral memory and experience. This is the recurring pattern to the way we think according to Carl Gustav Jung Commodification - answer✔✔perception of objects or persons for their exchange or sign -
exchange value. Also considered the act of placing value on something Conspicuous Consumption - answer✔✔act of owning o r displaying goods solely for their sign -
exchange value. The act of purchasing items BEYOND your needs Constructivist - answer✔✔the personal and social/cultural ways we put ourselves together. The built development of "truth" Culture - answer✔✔the sum of s ocial values, traits, and patterns of a particular time or group of people; practices, habits, customs, beliefs, and traditions that become institutions within a time and space Death of the Author - answer✔✔the idea that writing and the creator )author) ar e unrelated and so the biography and intentions of the author are meaningless. Proposed by Roland Barthes Deferral - answer✔✔Sign = Signifier (Signifier (Signifier..... + Signified pushes off all concepts because one cannot reach it due to too many labels. Part of Post -Structuralism and proposed by Jacques Derrida Displacement - answer✔✔the transferring of feelings onto an unrelated person or object. One of Freud's defense mechanisms for neuroses Dissemination - answer✔✔Sign = Signifier + (Signified (Signif ied (Signified....... Never reaches the original referent Part of Post -Structuralism and proposed by Jacques Derrida Electra Complex - answer✔✔daughter's unconscious desire for the father. Proposed by Freud Episteme - answer✔✔orderly system that defines co nditions for how a particular age views the world, producing knowledge within a particular time and place. Proposed by Michel Foucault Essentialist - answer✔✔natural, biological "truth"; part of who you are; the innate elements of you Exchange Value - answ er✔✔What you can get for an object in trade False Consciousness - answer✔✔an ideology that appears to be of power or value but which actually serves those in power, offering the illusion of being the "natural order" of things, but actually disguising and d rawing attention away from socioeconomic conditions that limit, oppress, and deny the potential of individuals. Proposed by Fridrich Engels. Hegemony - answer✔✔Practices by which dominant ideologies maintain their positions through a formalization of power , convincing the less powerful that these practices and behaviors are for their own good. Proposed by Antonio Gramsci Historical Afterlife - answer✔✔continual ruination and reconfiguration of the past within the present, the meaning of any historical artif act or incident being an ongoing reconstitution and/or appropriation. Proposed by Walter Benjamin Historical Conditions - answer✔✔the superstructure of Marx's theory Horizon of Expectations - answer✔✔anticipation based upon genres, works, language, and pri or reader experience. proposed by Robert Jauss Identity Politics - answer✔✔formations that typically aim to secure the freedom of a specific marginalized constituency, asserting power, reclamation of distinctive characteristics, and appropriation of signif iers that have been used to oppress or demean (ex. nasty woman, gay, etc.)

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