IDIS 199 Final Exam Questions and Answers Already Passed
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IDIS 199
IDIS 199
IDIS 199 Final Exam Questions and
Answers Already Passed
Why is study-life balance important? Its important to experience the world to aid in your
own understanding.
Important to allocate enough time for your brain to process new information
Aspects of Study-Life Balance Time commitmen...
IDIS 199 Final Exam Questions and Answers Already Passed Why is study -life balance important? ✔✔Its important to experience the world to aid in your own understanding. Important to allocate eno ugh time for your brain to process new information Aspects of Study -Life Balance ✔✔Time commitment - expectation is 30 -35 hours a week total, not 24/7 Rest - time for rest is just as important as study and exercise time - brain needs time to process new information - body needs exercise and sleep to keep it alert and focused Plan - committing to well -defined study times allows for other enjoyment Consequences of over -studying ✔✔- Over -studying can negatively impact relationships w family, friends, and p artners - interfere w other non -study related obligations and interests -Increase the likelihood of unhealthy behaviours such as smoking, excessive alcohol or drugs, unhealthy eating, feelings of loneliness, anxiety/depression, hopelessness and self -harm Study and Melancholy ✔✔Robert Burton 1628 older term for clinical depression one cause is 'overmuch study' lack of exercise, idleness, too much learning relief came from recreation Benefits of Balance Overview ✔✔- Health and Absences - Efficiency - Engagement - Focus and Concentration - Academic Success Benefits of Balance - Health and absences ✔✔balance can reduce worry and stress too many things at once feeds worry and rumination Benefits of Balance - Efficiency ✔✔balance improves efficiency of work during study hours Benefits of Balance - Engagement ✔✔having a healthy balance supports higher connection and interest in courses, lectures, and relationships Benefits of Balance - Focus and Concentration ✔✔healthy balance supports attention to the task at hand and staying present mindfulness Benefits of Balance - Academic Success ✔✔balance improves learning efficiency and productivity, needed for academic success What is the wheel of life? How is it useful to promote school -life balance? ✔✔The wh eel of life is a representation of the things that are important to your well -being. It helps you like a pie chart dedicate even sections to promote balance. Aspects of the Wheel of Life ✔✔- Academic/Professional - Finances - Health - Family and friends - relationships/loves - personal growth - recreation, culture, and hobbies - physical environment Wheel of Life - Academic/Professional ✔✔your study/work commitments do you feel when these are done, you have time for other interests? Wheel of Life - Finances ✔✔are your finances a worry to you? have you found a solution or found advice/support? Wheel of Life - Health ✔✔how would you rate your overall well -being (physical/mental/social) health?
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