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MCQ 770 Questions & Answer Electrical Engineering 2024 Update 18,96 €   In den Einkaufswagen


MCQ 770 Questions & Answer Electrical Engineering 2024 Update

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  • MCQ 770 Electrical Engineering

MCQ 770 Questions & Answer Electrical Engineering 2024 UpdateMCQ 770 Questions & Answer Electrical Engineering 2024 Update 1. The ratio of voltage and electric current in a closed circuit a. remains constant b. varies c. increases d. falls Ans-c 2. The curve representing ohm's law is a. s...

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  • MCQ 770 Electrical Engineering
  • MCQ 770 Electrical Engineering
MCQ 770 Questions & Answer Electrical
Engineering 2024 Update
1.The ratio of voltage and electric current in a closed circuit
a.remains constant b. varies c. increases d. falls
2.The curve representing ohm's law is
a.sine function b. Linear c. a parabola d. a hyperbola
3.The resistance of a conductor having length l area of cross section a and resistivity ρ is given as:
a.ρa/l b. ρl/ac. ρlad. l/ρ
4.The resistance of wire varies inversely as
a.area of cross section b. length c. resistivity d. temperature Ans-a
5.Which of the following quantities are same in all parts of a series circuit?
a.voltage b. power c. current d. resistance
6.Which of the following statements is false in case of a series circuit?
a.the voltage drop across each resister is same
b.the current flowing through each resistor is the same
c.applied voltage is equal to the sum of voltage drops across individual resistors are additive
Ans-b 7.A resistance of 30 ohm is connected across 240v supply. If a resistance R ohm is connected in
parallel with 30ohm resistor across the same supply, the current drawn becomes triple of original
one The unknown resistor R is
a.15ohm b. 10ohm c. 5ohm d.30ohm
8.Three resistors, each of R ohms, are connected to form a triangle. The resistance between any
two terminals will be:
a. 2/3 R b. 3/2R c. R d. 3R
9.Which of the following is not correct?
a.P=V/R^2 b. P=VI c. I=√ (P/R) d. V=√PR
10.A 100W bulb is connected in series with a room heater. If now 100W bulb is replaced by a
40w bulb, the heater output will :
a. increase b. decrease c. remain the same
11.The voltage applied across an electric iron is halved. The power consumption of the iron will
a. one-half b. one-fourth c. 1/√2times d. three-fourth Ans-b
12.Resistance of 200w,250v lamp will be
a. 625ohm b. 1250ohm c.312.5ohm d.31.25ohm Ans-c
13.Two heaters rated at 1000w, 250v each are connected in series across a 250v, 50Hz ac
supply. The total power drawn from the supply will be:
a. 1000w b. 500w c. 250w d.2000w Ans-b
14.A 200w, 100v lamp is to be operated on 250v supply. The additional resistance required to be connected in series will be:
a. 125ohm b. 50ohm c. 75ohm d.25ohm
15.Kirchoff's laws are valid for
a. linear ckt only b. passive time invariant ckt
c. non-linear ckt only d. both linear & non-linear ckt
16.KCL is applicable only to
a. electric circuits b. electronic circuits
c. junctions in a network d. closed loop in a network
17.KVL is concerned with
a. IR drop b. battery emf c. junction node d. both a and b
18.A wye arrangement of resistances has each resistance of 3ohm, the equivalent delta
arrangement will have each resistance of values.
a. 9ohm b. 6ohm c. 3ohm d. 1ohm
19.A battery is connected to a resistance causing a current of 0.5A in the circuit. The current drops to 0.4 when an additional resistance of 5? is connected in series . The current will drop to 0.2A when the resistance is further increased by
a.10 ohm b. 15ohm c. 25ohm d.5 ohm Ans-c 20.Cells are connected in series in order to increase the
a. current capacity b. life of the cells c. voltage ratingd. terminal voltage
21.Cells are connected in parallel in order to increase
a. life of the cells b. efficiency c. current capacity d. voltage rating
22.When two cells are connected in parallel , it should ensure that have
a. identical internal resistances b. equal emfs c. same ampere hour capacity
23.The capacity of a battery is expressed in
a.amperes b. amperes-hour c. watts d. watt-hour
24.A series resonant circuit implies
a. zero pf and maximum current b. unity pf and maximum current
c. unity pf and minimum current d. zero pf and minimum current
25.which one is classified as integrating instrument?
a. D'arsonval galvanometer b. ampere-hour meter c. ohm-meter d. ammeter
26.Which of the following types of instrument is an integrating instrument?
a. power factor meter b. energy meter c. watt meter d. frequency meter Ans-b

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