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GFACT Certification Exam Exam Study Questions with COMPLETE SOLUTIONS (LATEST 2024] 12,25 €
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GFACT Certification Exam Exam Study Questions with COMPLETE SOLUTIONS (LATEST 2024]

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 3 mal verkauft
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  • GFACT Certification
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  • GFACT Certification

GFACT Certification Exam Exam Study Questions with COMPLETE SOLUTIONS (LATEST 2024] (B2, Pg122) What does it mean when a computer program is "multi-threaded"? A) It calls multiple external libraries B) It has multiple serial number for different users C) It can run multiple chunks of code con...

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  • 24. mai 2024
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  • Fragen & Antworten
  • GFACT Certification
  • GFACT Certification

1  bewertung


von: tarunsingh1281 • 7 Monate vor

GFACT Certification Exam Exam Study Questions with COMPLETE SOLUTIONS (LATEST 2024] (B2, Pg122) What does it mean when a computer program is "multi -threaded"? A) It call s multiple external libraries B) It has multiple serial number for different users C) It can run multiple chunks of code concurrently D) It has multiple functions defined in the program It can run multiple chunks of code concurrently (B3, Pg162) Which o f the following is a common result of a reflected cross -site scripting attack? A)Tricking a user into making an authenticated transaction B)Sending a website user's session cookie to an attacker C) Embedding the attacker's malware in web application sourc e code D) Stealing password hashes from a website's back end database HINT It may be under the session guessing section, but if you read further into it, you will see where it mentions XSS attack. Sending a website user's session cookie to an attacker (B3, Pg90) What tool can be used to fingerprint the operating system of a host? A)netstat B)dig C)nslookup D)nmap Nmap (B3, Pg151) What type of vulnerability is illustrated where there is code in the web page? A)File Inclusion B) Clickjacking C)Cross -Site Scripting D) SQL injection HINT While it doesn't exactly say "code in the web page", it mentions how you can sometime s view a page that looks like PHP code and how that code can gain you access to the access logs of the server. File Inclusion (B3, Pg88 -89) An alert indicates that a compromised host was used by an attacker to run the command below. What was the attacke r attempting to do? $ nmap -sS A)Map a network drive to a remote host B)Identify services running on network hosts C)Execute a script on a remote host D)Send Spoofed packets to network hosts Identify services running on network hosts What type of artifact can a blue team member use to identify the name that is associated to the file? A)Metadata B)Windows security logs C)Prefetch D)File Ownership Metadata (B3, Pg307 -308) What is HKEY_LOC AL_MACHINE \Software \Microsoft \Windows \CurrentVersion \Run considered to be? A)Domain Name B)Log File Path C) Registry Key D) Yo Mama's Number A Registry Key (B1, Pg236) If a user agent is used, where would it be found in the HTTP Protocol? A)In the res ponse header B)In the response body C)Delimited by an h1 tag D) In a GET Request In a GET Request

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