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Summary Content ICT Management

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ICT Management KUL 22-23: class content + some notes KUL Campus brussels - Bridging year

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  • 30. mai 2024
  • 107
  • 2022/2023
  • Zusammenfassung

Chapter 1 Introduction to ICT ........................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. ICT in a business environment ............................................................................................ 3
1.1.1. Importance of ICT Management.......................................................................................................... 3
1.1.2. Information technology in business .................................................................................................... 5
1.1.3. Main components of ICT Management ............................................................................................... 7
1.1.4. The importance of modelling ............................................................................................................ 12
Takeaways ................................................................................................................................................... 13

1.2. Business Information Systems .......................................................................................... 13
1.2.1. Types of information systems............................................................................................................ 13
1.2.2. The information systems life cycle .................................................................................................... 18
Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Design ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Development .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Roll-out ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Operations .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Decommissioning .................................................................................................................................... 27

1.3. ICT Strategy ..................................................................................................................... 27
1.3.1. Business Strategy: Porter’s model ..................................................................................................... 27
1.3.2. ICT and Business Strategy Alignment ................................................................................................ 30
Strategic Alignment Model ..................................................................................................................... 30
Enterprise Architecture (EA) ................................................................................................................... 33
Takeaways ................................................................................................................................................... 36
Chapter 2 Business Process Management ...................................................................................................... 37

2.1. BPM Introduction ............................................................................................................ 37
2.1.1. What is a business process? .............................................................................................................. 37
2.2.2. Business processes and Enterprise Architecture ............................................................................... 38
2.2.3. The BPM Cycle ................................................................................................................................... 41

2.3. Business Process Modelling: BPMN .................................................................................. 49
Fundamentals .............................................................................................................................................. 49
2.3.1. BPMN Basics ...................................................................................................................................... 50
2.3.1. Advanced ........................................................................................................................................... 58

,Chapter 3 Information Management.............................................................................................................. 73

3.1. Introduction to information management ........................................................................ 73
3.1.1. What is information management? .................................................................................................. 73
3.1.2. Data Modelling and Enterprise Architecture ..................................................................................... 74 Strategic alignement framework ............................................................................................... 74 TOGAF ........................................................................................................................................ 75 Zachman Framework ................................................................................................................. 75

3.2. Conceptual Modelling: UML class diagrams ...................................................................... 77
3.3. UML Class Diagram for Software Engineering edX ............................................................. 79
3.3.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 79 Why is domain modelling important? ....................................................................................... 79 Modelling Languages ................................................................................................................. 79
3.3.2. UML basics ......................................................................................................................................... 82 Classes & attributes (2 Questions) ............................................................................................. 82 Associations (16 Questions) ....................................................................................................... 88 Understanding a larger UML class diagram (8 Questions)......................................................... 93
3.3.3. UML advanced ................................................................................................................................... 97 Inheritance ................................................................................................................................. 97





Information systems are everywhere
→ Information systems are everywhere like for example: Businesses, Hospitals, Power plants and cars

- Efficiency improvements
- New products and services
- Source of economic growth

An organization is a system

Input Output

A few business functions of many classic businesses are (5):
- Marketing and sales
- Research and development
- Production
- Financial management and administration
- Human resources management


,→Marketing and sales
• Create customer offer
o Determine configuration
o Fix prices
o Determine discount
o Make financial report on offer
o Send offer to customer
o Present offer to customer
• Accept customer offer
• Enter order
• Make invoice
→Research and development
→Financial management and administration
• Make budget
• Book payment
• Manage accounts
• General ledger
• Receivable accounts ledger
→Human resource management
• Selection and recruitment
o Place job advertisements
o Receive applications and input applications into system
o First assessment applications
o Contact applicant
o Interview application
o Inform applicant
o Contract proposal
o Hire
• Payroll administration
• Employee data management
• Employee evaluation


,The value chain

- Optimize the supply chain: supply chain management
- Use information systems!

3 ways to use ICT in business:
1. Data processing
2. Task automation
3. Integrated information systems

Data processing supports isolated processes
- Cash books supporting accounting
- The use of a PC with a text processor application to create a report
- The elaboration of a business plan using a spreadsheet program

Task automation supports groups of processes or business functions
→Task automation often supports groups of processes, sometimes even complete business functions.
→Task automation requires a strong integration.
- Accounting software, supporting accounting and general ledger
- An application for the management of student data at a university
- A customer relationship management (CRM) system, managing all information pertaining to the
customers of an organization
- Production planning software, used for planning and follow-up of production

Integrated information systems automate complete business processes along the value chain
(value system/supply chain)

- Integrated information systems are difficult to implement!
- Example: SAP


,To start implementing Integrated information systems
1. Whole organization: activities, customers, products…
2. A structured approach (methodology)
3. Underlying architecture – Overall design
4. Vision of the system to support the organization
5. Change hardware, software & business processes
6. Phases-manageable parts-limited time & finance
7. Not only IT specialists

Benefits of information systems
- Operational benefits
o Daily business processes more efficiently
o E.g. Time savings, better supply management, lower communication costs, …

- Tactical benefits
o Organization can better realize its goals
o E.g. Marketing campaigns, on-line knowledge databases, on-line parcel tracking

- Strategic benefits
o The business develops a better strategy
o E.g. Internet companies

→Not all benefits can be expressed in terms of money:
- Quantifiable benefits
o Represent an amount of money
o Can be estimated in advance
o Can be compared to the cost
o E.g. Stock decreases, personnel savings

- Non-quantifiable benefits
o Cannot (or can hardly) be expressed in money
o May however be important
o Should also be weighed in against the cost
o E.g. Better customer service, high tech image

ICT and competitive advantage
- IT can be used for competitive advantage
- IT resources, abundantly available on the market
- IT capabilities, takes years to develop, make a difference!
- See slides 27-31 for examples



Information system domains
Business processes
→Collection of structured activities to be carried out with a common goal of creating value for an organization.
• Resources (digital, system or human) are needed.
• Constraint by business rules.
• What happens in the organization?
• How are activities carried out?
• What rules and constraints are there?
• What are the results?

• Applications = software
• Structure and functionality
• Business data → business processes (very structured)
• Application data → applications
• Content and structure of data
• Relations, rules, constraints

• Hardware
• Software
• Communications (networks)
• a DMZ, or demilitarized zone, is a physical or logical subnet that separates a local area network (LAN) from other untrusted
networks -- usually, the public internet. DMZs are also known as perimeter networks or screened subnetworks.


,Information system domains

The information system lifecycle

Requirements Starting point
Role of system in business
General vision
Global requirements

Overall descriptions Design
Subsequent models

Development Build system
Use methodology
Assemble and test

Make system operational Roll-out
Install and configure
Conversion from old to new

Operations Use system
Support and maintenance

End of useful life Decommissioning
Remove system
Replace by new system

→see part 2 of chapter 1


,ICT strategy
- Business-IT alignment
- Set up, maintain IT decision structures
- Exert control

The business and system concerns
→3 concerns:
1. Stakeholders concerns
2. Business concerns
3. System concerns
→The concerns should be considered throughout the lifecycle

Stakeholders concerns
Business concerns → Worries and issues
→ Relates to stakeholders
• Products and Services
o How are they affected?
o How can we support existing products and services in a better
o How can we improve the product and/or service?
• Economic aspects
o Project cost
o Operational (recurring) cost
o Benefits
• Compliance
o With laws (e.g., GDPR)
o With regulations (external, internal)

System concerns → Minimum quality requirements
→Quantitative thus measurable
• Service levels
o Availability & Reliability
o Capacity & Performance
o Support & Administration
• Usability
o User friendliness
o Maintainability
o Administrator
o Scalability
• Security
o Authentication : Who is who?
o Authorization : What are you allowed to do and what not?
o Confidentiality : You should not see what you are not allowed to
• See slides 48-51 for example


, Identify stakeholders and concerns
→Who is concerned about what?

Products Economic Compliance Service Usability Security
& services aspects levels


Senior management X X X

Chief security officer X

Quality assurance X

Procurement X

Human resources X

End user organization

End users X X X X

Line management X X

Process and data owners X X X

Development related

Project managers & coaches X X X

Business architects X X X

Technical architects X X X

Analysts, programmers X X X

Operations related

IT Service management X X X

Service desk X X X

Operators X

Applications management X X X

Infrastructure management X X


Customers X X X

Suppliers X X

Legal and regulatory bodies X


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