Nevada State Board of Cosmetology Theory Test 2024 Questions and Answers Already Graded A+.
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Nevada State Board of Cosmetology Theory
Nevada State Board Of Cosmetology Theory
Nevada State Board of Cosmetology Theory Test 2024 Questions and Answers Already Graded A+.
anagen phase - answer Also known as growth phase; phase during which new hair is produced.
Beveling - answer Haircutting technique using diagonal lines by cutting hair ends with a slight increase or
nevada state board of cosmetology theory test 2024
nevada state board of cosmetology theory test
nevada state board of cosmetology theory
nevada state board of cosmetology theory exam 2024
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Nevada State Board of Cosmetology Theory
Nevada State Board of Cosmetology Theory
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anagen phase - answer Also known as growth phase; phase during which new hair is produced. Beveling - answer Haircutting technique using diagonal lines by cutting hair ends with a slight increase or decrease in length. or A stacking tehnique single-use - answer Disposable items cannot be used more than once Decontamination methods 2 - answer Cleaning and Steriling Humectants - answer Substances that absorb moisture or promote the retention of moisture. hair root - answer The part of the hair located below the surface of the epidermis. structure of the hair root - answer hair follicle hair bulb dermal papilla arrector pilimuscle sebaceous glands traveling guideline - answer Also known as movable guideline; guideline that moves as the haircutting progresses, used often when creating layers or graduation. stationary guideline - answer guideline that does not move Temporary haircolor - answer Nonpermanent color whose large pigment molecules prevent penetration of the cuticle layer, allowing only a coating action that may be removed by shampooing. Nevada State Board of Cosmetology Theory Test 2024 Questions and Answers Already Graded A+ Deionized water - answer Water that has had impurities, such as calcium and magnesium and other metal Ions Regular relaxers - answer Normal texture or Medium curl Average porosity - answer Cuticle is slightly raised hair cuticle - answer outermost layer of hair cortex of hair - answer the middle layer also is the layer that holds color no-lye relaxers - answer Lithium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide disulfide bonds - answer Strong chemical side bonds formed when the sulfur atoms in two adjacent protein chains are joined together. Mild relaxer - answer best for fine , color treated, or damaged hair surfactants - answer the second ingredient that most shampoos have in common hydrogen relaxer - answer Relaxers with a high alkaline (pH) content; available in varying formulations for black folks when hair is green - answer use red to balance Density - answer measure the number of individual hair strands on one square inch of scalp hair porosity - answer The ability of the hair to absorb moisture Elasticity - answer the ability of the hair to stretch and return to its original length without breaking
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