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PHP Laravel Midterm Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answer 10,10 €
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PHP Laravel Midterm Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answer

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PHP Laravel Midterm Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answer $image->edit($formdata); In Laravel, the above code will update an image record in a database with $formdata. F Mass assignment errors occur when form data execeeds the allowable field length when using varchar field types. F...

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PHP Laravel Midterm Exam Questions With
100% Correct Answer

In Laravel, the above code will update an image record in a database with $formdata.

Mass assignment errors occur when form data execeeds the allowable field length when using
varchar field types.

in Laravel, best practice states that a post route to the /create URI is used to create a new record.

The Preferred way to retrieve data from a database using laravel is the eloquent orm

Laravel was first released in May 2005.

Frameworks are used to help rapid development of an application

HTML standards do not define a PUT/PATCH method for a form.

Migrations allow you to version your database schema

Route::get('/gallery' , function () {

return view('gallery.pictureGallery');


The above code will route the user to a view with either the .blade.php extension or the .php

One of the reasons Laravel speeds up development is the many builtin features such as templating
and authentication.

Optionally in Laravel, you may include a token field within a web form to add additional security.

, Laravel is currently the most popular PHP framework

You can create Form Request Classes by using Laravel's Artisan command

Using a framework has many benifits such as flexibility and reusability.

To use frameworks, one does not need knowledge of core PHP functions.

In Laravel, it's common convention to add "Request" to the end of the Form Request Class name

The Blade template engine makes it easier to output dynamic data in our presentation logic.

Laravel allows us to capture information through the URL.

<h1>Testing [[ $name ]]</h1>

The above code will output the variable $name to the use

To use Guards/Middleware to stop unauthorized access within Laravel, add the following constructor
to a controller:

public function __construct() {



To resolve a mass assignment error, include the allowable properties within the model.

To use a PUT/PATCH method, we need to "fake it" by adding an addition hidden field to the form.

Any code placed between @section('body') and @stop will be inserted into a master page within the
@extends('yield') section.

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