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PHP Exam Questions With Answers Graded A+

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PHP Exam Questions With Answers Graded A+ when should you use single quotes? when there are no variables in the string; if you use single quotes, PHP will not search for variables to replace, which can enhance speed. when should you use double quotes? when a variable contains any amount of ...

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  • 8. juni 2024
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PHP Exam Questions With Answers Graded
when should you use single quotes?
when there are no variables in the string; if you use single quotes, PHP will not search for variables to
replace, which can enhance speed.

when should you use double quotes?
when a variable contains any amount of variables; in general.

can variable names begin with numbers?

can variable names begin with underscores?

can variable names contain symbols?

are variable names case-sensitive?

what should be used to have multiple quotations in one string?
the escape character '\':
$string = "I said \"Hello\" to the man.";

can a string with numbers be used as a number?
$string = "2";
can be used as
$string = 2;
can be used.

what character must all variables begin with?
the dollar sign $.

is data shown in the URL if GET is used?
yes; use for search engines, catalogued pages, pages that would be bookmarked.

is data shown in the URL if POST is used?
no; use for passwords, pages that would not be bookmarked, pages that require security.

what should the action attribute's value contain?
the URL to the php script that will handle the information in the form.

, where is data sent using POST found?
predefined variable $_POST

where is data sent using GET found?
predefined variable $_GET

what type of variable is $_SERVER
$_SERVER is a predefined variable.

what type of variable is $_POST?
predefined variable.

what type of variable is $_GET?
predefined variable.

will print $_POST work? why or why not?
no, because you cannot use the print function on arrays.

will print $_GET work? why or why not?
no, because you cannot use the print function on arrays.

will print $_SERVER work? why or why not?
no, because you cannot use the print function on arrays.

what can be used to print data in an array?
not print; print_r (human readable) can be used.

can arrays contain arrays?
yes, they commonly do contain arrays.

what is an 'index' or 'key'?
what is referred to for a value within an array.
$_POST['name'] may be equal to 'Jane Doe'
$cards[4] may be equal to 'BMW'

what will happen if $_POST['name'] is used in double quotes?
a parse error will occur, to avoid this, create shorthand variables like:
$name1 = $_POST['name1'];
$name2 = $_POST['name2'];

how do you know what to use to get a value from POST or GET?
they are the values of the name attributes of the input tags in the form.
$_POST['name'] or $_GET['name'] refers to the value of <input name="name" /> (depending on the
method of the form).

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