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PYC3705 PAST EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2018 May / June Exam Paper 2 Question 1 The unique aspects of Transformatory Counselling highlighted in the Transformative Counselling Encounters study guide are a) Holistic understanding of oneself and setting lon 2,67 €
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PYC3705 PAST EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2018 May / June Exam Paper 2 Question 1 The unique aspects of Transformatory Counselling highlighted in the Transformative Counselling Encounters study guide are a) Holistic understanding of oneself and setting lon

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PYC3705 PAST EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2018 May / June Exam Paper 2 Question 1 The unique aspects of Transformatory Counselling highlighted in the Transformative Counselling Encounters study guide are a) Holistic understanding of oneself and setting long term goals. b) Awareness of persona...

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2018 May / June Exam Paper 2

Question 1
The unique aspects of Transformatory Counselling highlighted in the
Transformative Counselling Encounters study guide are
a) Holistic understanding of oneself and setting long term goals.
b) Awareness of personal strengths and abilities
c) Unburdening oneself
d) Gaining a new perspective of the same situation
The correct answer is
1. (a) & (d)
2. (b) & (c)
3. (a), (b) & (c)
4. All of the above

Question 2
Providing equality of resources and opportunity for all people upholds the
ethical principle of ___.
1. veracity
2. autonomy
3. beneficence
4. justice

Question 3
The study unit on surveying life within the cracks teaches us ___.
1. that by nature, human beings do not have the desire to solve their own
problems hence a constant pool towards failing within the cracks
2. to think about people's experiences of pain, suffering and strive from the
context which they are part of
3. to sympathise better with our clients

,4. that we will not be able to solve our clients' problems unless we succeed in
identifying pathological patterns in their behavior

Question 4
Which of the following is not considered one of the three essential counsellor
attributes for building the therapeutic relationship?
1. Congruence
2. Open questioning
3. Unconditional positive regard.
4. Empathy

Question 5
The following statement by the counsellor is an example of what skill?
Client· What's the point in trying to stop using, I always relapse sooner or later
Counsellor "You don't see the benefit of stopping at the moment"
1. Summarising.
2. Paraphrase
3. Reflection
4. Reframe

Question 6
Which of the following responses is a reflection of feeling for the statement?
"The future looks good since I have stopped using alcohol?
1. 'You are anticipating some good times ahead of you now"
2. "That sounds great"
3. 'You have done well"
4. "Things are working out for you now"

Question 7
Which of the following is an open question?
1. Do you always inject your drugs?

, 2. Will you consider going into detox?
3. What plans do you have for the next week?
4. How much per week does your drinking cost you?

Question 8
What is being built in the first interview that is required for counselling to
1. Faith
2. Non-professional relationship
3. Rapport
4. Friendship

Question 9
The aim of using active listening skills is to
1. Help the client feel understood
2. Encourage the client to disclose information
3. Assist in establishing rapport
4. All of the above

Question 10
The client's right to agree to participate in counselling, assessment, or other
professional procedures or service after such services are explained and
understood is ___.
1. Professional responsibility
2. Personal responsibility
3. Professional relationship
4. Informed consent.

Question 11
You have come across ethical approaches to problem solving in this module.
One of those approaches has been to do with considering the effects of
particular actions in particular contexts.

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