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Peer Support Specialists CPS Exam Questions and Answers 10,59 €
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Peer Support Specialists CPS Exam Questions and Answers

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Peer Support Specialists CPS Exam Questions and Answers supporting recovery is what the community and system does. co-occurring disorder a mental health and an addiction diagnosis peer specialists should have a good understanding of the impact of trauma in recovery Mercy Maricopa...

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  • 28. juni 2024
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  • 2023/2024
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  • Fragen & Antworten
Peer Support Specialists CPS Exam Questions and
supporting recovery
is what the community and system does.

co-occurring disorder
a mental health and an addiction diagnosis

peer specialists
should have a good understanding of the impact of trauma in recovery

Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care (MMIC)
ADHS/ DBHS contracts with the RBHA throughout the state

Arnold v. Sarn
A class action suit was filed in 1981 against the state of Arizona alleging that the state and the county
did not provide a comprehensive Mental Health system.

dual relationship
relationships in which a service provider has both a paid helping relationship with another individual
and another kind of relationship as well.

the act of speaking to and for another person or oneself.

the ability to understand, perceive and feel another persons feelings.

to feel pity or sorrow

unconditional positive regard
acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does.

person first language
emphasizing the person rather than their symptoms.

individual advocacy
when one person who speaks on behalf of another person.

self advocacy
when one person communicates their needs or desires to others.

, system advocacy
about changing rules, policies or laws that influences how people live their lives.

when someone judges you based on a single personal trait.

facilitating recovery
is what the behavioral health professionals do.

is what the consumer does

auditory or visual perceptions involve other senses: feel, taste or smell, manageable with coping

beliefs that are firmly held despite contradictory evidence.

negative symptoms
the person has a lack of interest or pleasure

active listening
limit distractions to allow for focus on the speaker.

anything that makes one uncomfortable

role model
acting as an example

cultural competence
attaining knowledge, skills, and attitude to provide effective care to diverse populations.

strength based approach
using a strength as a source to assist a person to move toward their own recovery.

break confidentiality
the life of a member or another is at risk.

teachable moments
can occur when the member can't move forward in solving a problem or is stuck in a situation and
doesn't know what to do.

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