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Summary Grade 9 RE Muslim Notes: Crime and Punishment 6,21 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Grade 9 RE Muslim Notes: Crime and Punishment

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Grade 9 RE Muslim Notes: Has all possible questions that can come up and level 9 answers

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  • 2. juli 2024
  • 9
  • 2023/2024
  • Zusammenfassung
  • 4
A: Outline 3 reasons why Muslims believe justice is important

One of Allah’s characteristics is Al Adl which means the just

The prophet Muhammad was just

Muslims should always do what’s just as it says in Surah (“uphold justice and bear witness to God”)

Explain 2 reasons why Justice is important for Muslims
One of Allah’s 99 names is Al Adl which means the just. This represents one of many characteristics
that Allah has which is shown by the quote 'I have prohibited myself Injustice' By Allah having this
name it reminds Muslims to be just. This is important because God is significant.

The Prophet Muhammad was prepared for his own children to be given appropriate punishment if
they were found guilty of committing a crime. This is important because Muhammad is a very
important figure in Islam and Muslims see Muhammad as a role model.

Explain 2 reasons to why Justice is important for non-religious people? 4 marks

It is a basic human right, enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This is important
because most humanists see the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as guidance for life

Justice is also important to Humanists because they believe all humans deserve freedom and respect
and justice itself requires freedom

Explain 2 Muslim responses to the non-religious views to justice? 5 marks

Muslims agree with non-religious attitudes to justice. Due to one of Allah’s names being Al
Adl (the just). All Muslims follow this as it is one of the characteristics of Allah

Muslims believe that humans are born with a sense of justice and that the prophets of Allah
led the way in showing how justice should be served. This is important because Muhammad
promoted justice and is seen as an 'excellent model' in the Quran.

A: 3 categories for punishments for crime
Hudud – crime against gods – fixed punishment

Qisas – crime against individuals or families – nearest relativies choose punishment

Tazir - crime which has no punishment in Quran or Hadith and chosen by qadi ( Muslim judge)

A: 3 causes of crime
] Lack of opportunity



, C: 2 Muslim beliefs about crime

Muslims believe that crime is wrong because Allah expects fairness and justice “God
commands justice” . This is important because Allah is all knowing and all loving so whatever
he wants is the best for everyone.

Muslims believe that crime is wrong because it goes against being just towards everyone. This is
important as the Prophet Muhammad was just and Muslims aim to live a life like Muhammad.

Explain 2 ways in which Muslims are trying to end crime
The Muslims Chaplains Association provide support, assistance and rehabilitation for offenders and
ex-offenders by engaging with Muslims and the wider community and working towards the
resettlement of prisoners and the prevention of reoffending upon release

Mosaic is a charitable organisation in which was developed in response to the increasing number of
young Muslims in prisons in England. Volunteer mentors provide support to prisoners aged 18 to 35
who are approaching the end of their sentences and help them to find secure housing and

Explain 2 Muslim teachings about Crime as a distraction from Allah

Muslims believe that Satan tries to distract people from Allah, For example. Satan tempts people to
drink alcohol and gamble which often leads to crime This is shown in the quote 'With intoxicants and
gambling, Satan seeks to stop you remembering God and prayer'

Islam teaches to honour their allegiance to both their faith and their country. This means that
Muslims should respect the country's rules and laws, even if they seem wrong.

What are 3 Muslim teachings about the nature of good and evil actions?

People have free will, which leads us to act in positive or negative ways

All humans are born with a fitrah

Good Actions are rewarded in paradise, while evil deeds are punished in hell

Explain 2 Muslim teachings about the nature of good and evil actions
Muslims believe Humans are created 'in the finest state' evidently shown in the Qur'an which means
they have the potential to do good and utilise their God given abilities to reach a high morality or
they have the potential to sin.

Muslims believe that all humans are born with a fitrah that is pure and have the capacity to act in
harmful or helpful ways. Often the choices that people make lead to one or other of these
outcomes. This is important because it could be one of the reasons why Muslims go to Jannah or

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