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Test Bank for Sociology: Compass for a New Social World, 8th Edition by Robert J. Brym 36,50 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank for Sociology: Compass for a New Social World, 8th Edition by Robert J. Brym

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Test Bank for Sociology: Compass for a New Social World, 8ce 8th Canadian Edition by Robert J. Brym, Lisa Strohschein, Karen Kampen. Full Chapters Chapter 1 to 19 are included with answers. hapter 1 A Sociological Compass Chapter 2 How Sociologists Do Research Chapter 3 Culture Chapter 4 Soci...

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Test Bank for Sociology: Compass for a New Social World, 8th Edition by Robert J.

Chapter 01 8ce Brym
Answers Inlcuded ✅
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1. The idea that patterns of gender inequality can and should be changed for the benefit of all members of society
is one of the main features of feminist theory.
a. True
b. False

2. Queer theory questions the very existence of identity categories and sees these categories as products of
specific discourses.
a. True
b. False

3. The study of the subjective meanings that people attach to their actions and social life in an attempt to
understand the intention or motives of people is part of the functionalist theory.
a. True
b. False

4. According to Foucault, cultural hegemony functions by framing the worldview of the ruling class as legitimate
and beneficial for all.
a. True
b. False

5. The ability to see the connection between personal troubles and social structures (e.g., personal problems and
public issues related to unemployment) is known as the sociological imagination.
a. True
b. False

6. The Democratic Revolution encouraged the view that sound conclusions about how society works should be
based on evidence, not speculation.
a. True
b. False

7. Feminist sociologists regard the hookup as a recent embodiment of male heterosexual control rather than a
vehicle for sexual liberation.
a. True
b. False

8. Teran’s paper on the Postindustrial Revolution would accurately depict the shift from white-collar office work to
blue-collar factory work.
a. True
b. False

9. The stable patterns of social relations in our lives, such as the organization of work and family composition, are
called global structures.
a. True
b. False

Page 1

,Name: Class: Date:

Chapter 01 8ce Brym

10. While both functionalists and conflict theorists focus on race in the dating world, they are diametrically opposed
in terms of what they claim is happening.
a. True
b. False

11. Three of the major theoretical traditions in sociology were initiated by Durkheim, Goffman, and Marx.
a. True
b. False

12. The hometown football team has a tight-knit group of players who care about each other on and off the field. A
sociologist would conclude that the team has a high degree of social solidarity.
a. True
b. False

13. According to data from 2019, the suicide rate in Canada exceeded the average for all countries.
a. True
b. False

14. In postindustrial societies, the average standard of living and the number of good jobs has increased and
discrimination against minority group members has declined.
a. True
b. False

15. Feminist sociologists see hookups as liberation—a practice that, unconstrained by social convention, increases
women’s freedom and independence.
a. True
b. False

16. Durkheim’s analysis of suicide demonstrates how the process of taking one’s life through violent means is an
isolated and individualistic act.
a. True
b. False

17. The sexual revolution of the 1960s was the result of the legalization of the birth control pill, therapeutic
abortions, and homosexual acts between consenting adults.
a. True
b. False

18. Weber demonstrated how religious ideas could support the development of capitalism due to the unintended
effect of increased savings and investment.
a. True
b. False

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,Name: Class: Date:

Chapter 01 8ce Brym

Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
19. What kind of conflict emerges from the stories of conquest that the author was exposed to in school and stories
of the Gluskap that the author also heard during childhood?
a. Progress is often costly to relationships between humans and between humans and the environment.
b. Progress is exciting and harmony between humans is less important than harmony between humans and
the environment.
c. Harmony between humans is important and conquest is unimportant.
d. The benefits of conquest justifies all the damage it does to harmony between humans.

20. Which theory focuses on subjectivity, interpersonal relationships, and human agency?
a. conflict theory b. functionalism
c. queer theory d. symbolic interactionism

21. Who received the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize for their work with the poor in Chicago?
a. Jane Addams b. Talcott Parsons
c. Wright Mills d. George Herbert Mead

22. In recent years, the likelihood that Canadian females would pursue a university degree has been increasing.
Which of the characteristics of contemporary society does this illustrate?
a. the increasing inequality of opportunity b. the increasing equality of opportunity
c. increasing constraint d. increasing freedom

23. What did Durkheim’s nineteenth-century study of suicide in France demonstrate?
a. Suicide was mainly carried out by desperate people.
b. Suicide was influenced mainly by people’s level of psychological distress.
c. Suicide was related to an individual’s level of integration into society.
d. Suicide was caused by a high level of confusion among people who belonged to several social networks
at once.

24. According to Durkheim, which type of suicide is most likely to occur in a society having vague norms or few
shared norms?
a. altruistic suicide b. anomic suicide
c. egoistic suicide d. nomadic suicide

25. According to the text, which theoretical perspective has emerged in recent decades to address certain omissions
in earlier sociological theories?
a. functionalism b. feminism
c. conflict theory d. symbolic interactionism

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, Name: Class: Date:

Chapter 01 8ce Brym

26. Following the COVID-19 lockdown, Christian is disheartened by the increase in suicide rates reported by a
Canadian newspaper. Adopting a Durkheimian perspective, what would Christian argue to be a major
contributor to the upsurge?
a. a diminishing of social bonds
b. a lack of social control
c. the economic inequality throughout society
d. inadequate mental health funding

27. Which statement best describes the concept of cultural hegemony as proposed by Antonio Gramsci?
a. Cultural hegemony is the result of a b. Cultural hegemony is established when ideas that
democratic process where common values appear to represent common values are actually
are collectively determined. biased in favour of ruling classes.
c. Cultural hegemony is a reflection of the d. Cultural hegemony is the outcome of ruling classes
ruling classes’ sincere commitment to equal using overt force and control over jobs in order to
distribution of wealth. maintain dominance.

28. Evelyn is a 78-year-old woman whose husband died last year. She spends most of her days alone because many
of her friends are either ill or have died and her children are too busy to visit her. Evelyn has decided to commit
suicide because she cannot stand being lonely anymore. According to Durkheim, what kind of suicide is Evelyn
a. egoistic suicide b. altruistic suicide
c. anomic suicide d. fatalistic suicide

29. To fully understand domestic violence, Reilly believes that one must look at the interactions between members
of heterosexual couples and at the overarching gender ideology of the society. With which theoretical
framework is Reilly’s belief most consistent?
a. symbolic interactionism b. feminist theory
c. queer theory d. social constructionism

30. According to the text, why are suicide rates among the Innu of Labrador among the highest in the world?
a. The Innu are a nomadic people who rely upon hunting and trapping.
b. Government assistance in the forms of welfare and education was cut back.
c. Most Innu youth are engaged in sniffing gasoline and abusing alcohol to get high.
d. The Innu’s traditional lands, practices, norms, and values have been destroyed.

31. Which theory emphasizes that humans have agency and can influence their own destinies?
a. conflict theory b. social Darwinism
c. symbolic interactionism d. functionalism

32. Why are theories always tentative?
a. Some theorists are biased and fake their evidence.
b. Further research could make the theory invalid.
c. Many theories are based on overgeneralizations.
d. Subjectivity and bias are a big problem in theorizing.

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