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Summary Media and Communcation Theory Lecture 1 - Introduction 4,49 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Media and Communcation Theory Lecture 1 - Introduction

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Full summary of the first lecture of the course Media and Communication Theory. I'm following this course as part of the minor Media, Culture and Society.

vorschau 2 aus 6   Seiten

  • Nein
  • H1
  • 11. september 2019
  • 6
  • 2019/2020
  • Zusammenfassung
Media and Communication Theory
Lecture 1: Introduction

1. Introduction: course set-up

If people watch violent movies, does that make them more agressive? -->
example question.

Pen en papier icoon --> exam material
Example icoon --> example that illustrates specific developments, concepts
or theories

Focus exam is on theories and concepts.
Exam covers general developments/ trends in the field of media and major
research findings.
Everything in lectures can be subject of an exam material, even though they
aren't mentioned in the book.
You need to know the names of researchers associated with theories or

2. Theory: introduction

Today's main messages:
• Mass media are pervasive --> they affect many aspects of our life and
• One key sociological concern is the tension between structure and agency.

Theory: systematic explanation for the observations that relate to a
particular aspect of life (Babbie).
There isn't one overlapping theory about how media works etc.

In 2015 people use media for about 7 hours a day (7.23).
Singletasking: reading newspaper
Multitasking: listen to the radio and ironing
Media-multitasking with another main activity: reading newspaper, listen to

, the radio and ironing.
Media-multitasking without another main activity: using 2 different kinds of
media at the same time
(See graphics in lecture).

Gebruik van media kan vervanging zijn van andere activiteiten, maar kan ook

Many popular assumptions about the effects of media:
• Media often talk about media (journalists visiting talkshows)
• School shootings in USA: shooter was playing violent videogames --> these
games should be forbidden. But this is an assumption, we need
research to proof this.
Media have become a dominant social institution in our society:
• Many aspects are aspected by the media (education, politics (public image
of politicians)
Mass media are a powerful socialising agent:
Socialisation --> the process whereby we learn and internalize the values,
beliefs, and norms of our culture and, in so doing, develop a sens of self.
The media share ideas and values, and overtime we might internalize these
Social construction of reality --> the process of shaping reality through social
interaction. While reality exists, we must negotiate the meaning of that

Ad with stereotypical gender roles --> example of socialisation. What is male
or female behavior? It's not fixed, it's up to them, but we still have certain
ideas about this. Advertisements play a role in sharing these kinds of ideas.
Those ideas can become part of the social construction of reality.

Agency in US checks advertisements for gender stereotypes. This is an
example of a discussion about media.

Focus on social relationships:
• Between media and other social institutions (for example politics)

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