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Eternal Families Brooks Exam 3

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Eternal Families Brooks Exam 3 Elder Kofford said as you prepare for the temple, the most important thing to evaluate is __________, because there is no substitute for that. Your level of obedience to God's commandments Elder Kofford recommended that all who are preparing to go to the temp...

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  • 22. juli 2024
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Eternal Families Brooks Exam 3

Elder Kofford said as you prepare for the temple, the most important thing to
evaluate is __________, because there is no substitute for that.
Your level of obedience to God's commandments
Elder Kofford recommended that all who are preparing to go to the temple should
participate in _________.
A stake sponsored temple prep class
T/F; When possible, Elder Wofford said, it is recommended that you receive your
endowment the same day you are sealed?
What is the primary purpose of temples?
Provide the ordinances necessary for exaltation in the celestial kingdom for both the
living and the dead.
What do the words dedicate and consecrate mean?
Dedicate: To be set apart from the world.

Consecrate: To be devoted to a holy purpose.
When the people went to hear King Benjamin's address at the temple, what was
significant about the positioning of their tents?
Towards the temple - focused on sacred things while in the world
Of what two things is the initiatory ordinance comprised?
Washing: Symbolic of spiritual cleansing

Anointing: Associated with promised blessings
Where and when was the endowment revealed to Joseph Smith?
In Nauvoo in his Red Brick Store on March 4, 1842
An endowment is a gift. What 3 gifts do we receive with the endowment?

, 1) Power
2) Knowledge
3) Very Specific Blessings
Name the 4 covenants, noted by President Faust, we make in the temple.
*As discussed in class, Elder Kofford gave 3 suggestions regarding what we can
do to help nonmember parents or relatives, or those who cannot qualify for a
temple recommend, feel that they are part of the marriage? Name them.
1) Be understanding of their feelings. Help them comprehend on what's going to occur.

2) Do it in a tone of love, not apology.

3) Try to make them feel apart as much as you can with what is going on that day, invite
them to come to the temple visitor's center.
What is the position of the Church on exchanging rings in the temple? On
exchanging vows, outside the temple, and after a temple marriage?
Couples may exchange rings after the ceremony in the room where the ceremony takes
place. Couples should not exchange vows even after.
In striking a balance between agency and inspiration, what did Elder Bruce R.
McConkie say is expected of us in terms of our agency?
We are expected to do everything in our power that we can, and then to seek an answer
from the Lord, a confirming seal that we've reached the right conclusion.
*Elder McConkie related how Oliver Cowdery was counseled to "ask in faith."
What does it mean to ask in faith?
Asking with an honest heart, believing that you shall receive
Implicit in asking in faith is the precedent requirement that we do everything in our
power to accomplish the goal that we seek, use our agency

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