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MICN LA County Final Exam Questions and Answers 2024/2025 14,22 €
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MICN LA County Final Exam Questions and Answers 2024/2025

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  • MICN LA County

MICN LA County Final Exam Questions and Answers 2024/2025 How long does ALS and SRC diversion last? - CORRECT ANSWER-ALS=120, SRC=180 APOT standard - CORRECT ANSWER-Patients are offloaded from EMS within 30 minutes 90% of the time Where does an extremis patient get transport...

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  • MICN LA County
  • MICN LA County
MICN LA County Final Exam Questions
and Answers 2024/2025
How long does ALS and SRC diversion last? - CORRECT ANSWER-ALS=120,

APOT standard - CORRECT ANSWER-Patients are offloaded from EMS within 30
minutes 90% of the time

Where does an extremis patient get transported to? - CORRECT ANSWER-MAR

Criteria for 911 Re-triage - CORRECT ANSWER-trauma AND poor perfusion, or need
for blood, or need for intubation, or GCS <9, or GCS deteriorating by 2 or more, or
penetrating injuries to trauma box, or extremity injury with neurovascular compromise,
or s/p evaluation by ED MD and life saving intervention needed within 2 hours

What is the maximum transport time for an alternate MAR? - CORRECT ANSWER-15

What is the maximum transport time for SRC? - CORRECT ANSWER-30 minutes

What is the maximum transport time for SART center? - CORRECT ANSWER-Not

What is the maximum transport time for facility by patient request? - CORRECT
ANSWER-Not defined

What happens if an ETA is beyond the maximum allowable transport time? - CORRECT

BRUE - CORRECT ANSWER-<12 months WITH irregular breathing, color change,
chanf in muscle tone, or ALOC

BRUE treatment - CORRECT ANSWER-Airway, cardiac monitor, IV, 20ml/kg NS if poor
perfusion, if persistent push dose epi

Who goes to PMC? - CORRECT ANSWER-14 or less AND one of the following:
dysrhythmia, respiratory distress, cyanosis, AMS, status epilepticus, BRUE, focal neuro
w/o trauma, ROSC

13 y.o. choking on an apple, resolved- where should they go? - CORRECT ANSWER-
Would go to PMC if respiratory distress/cyanotic

, Who goes to Perinatal Center? - CORRECT ANSWER-20 weeks pregnant or more
AND one of the following: Active labor, CC related to pregnancy, perinatal
complications, injured and not meeting trauma criteria, BP >140/90 (including up to 6
weeks PP)

Where does a STEMI patient go? - CORRECT ANSWER-SRC if w/in 30 minutes. If >30
minutes then to the MAR

What constitutes a STEMI? - CORRECT ANSWER-1mm or more of ST elevation in 2 or
more contiguous leads
*Activate cath lab if >2mm

Where does a patient with decompression emergency go? - CORRECT ANSWER-
*Contact MAC*
Immediate transport to MAC listed hyperbaric chamber facility if unconscious, pulseless,
apneic, with a premature ascent with reported failure to complete any underwater
decompression stops

Goal SpO2 for COPD v.s. not - CORRECT ANSWER-COPD 88-92%
Regular 94-98%

Indications for high flow O2 - CORRECT ANSWER-Respiratory or cardiac arrest, shock,
TBI, Carbon monoxide poisoning, pneumo, hypoxia <94% not corrected with NC or
simple mask

SGA/iGEL considerations - CORRECT ANSWER-Advanced airway but unsecure, Good
for any age!

What is a secured airway? - CORRECT ANSWER-ETT
and protected airway

Indications for ETT - CORRECT ANSWER->12 and off Broselow
Note: max 3 attempts! Then SGA

Pulse oximetry measures what? Capnography measures what? - CORRECT ANSWER-

When is capnography required - CORRECT ANSWER-When a patient is started on
positive airway pressure

Respiratory distress treatment - CORRECT ANSWER-Give albuterol 5mg neb (may
repeat x2) if not working- give epi 1mg/ml 0.5mg IM!

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