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Summary Vitamins Biochemistry 4,26 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Vitamins Biochemistry

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Perfect summary for all vitamins for biochemistry

vorschau 1 aus 3   Seiten

  • 2. august 2024
  • 3
  • 2021/2022
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Unbekannt
Vitamin - Overview
24 October 2022 13:41

Vitamin Name Active Daily Metabolism Biological role deficiency Other
form requirement
B1 Thiamine TTP 2 mg/day Absorbed in intestine -> - Oxidative - Slows oxidative
(thiamine (adult) distributed in liver, kidney, decarboxylation reaction decarboxylation reaction
pyrophosp heart -> activated by of alpha-ketoacids (secondary acidosis)
hate) thiamin pyrophosphate - Affects tissues that use
(TPP) - Coenzyme to lactate/pyruvate as energy
transketolase in the source or acetyl-CoA for
pentosophosphate cycle synthesis of
- Beriberi disease
- Wernicke-Korsakoff
B2 Riboflavin FMN 1,2-2 mg/day Absorbed in intestine -> - Can accept hydrogen - Rare in humans (can be
(increases converted to flavin from different substrate synthesized by intestinal
FAD with mononucleotide (FMN) -> and reduced to flora)
pregnancy) transformed into flavin FADH2/FMNH2 - Usually accompanied by
adenine dinucleotide (FAD) niacin thiamine deficiency ->
skin lesions or corneal lesions
- Anemia + cataracts can
develop (sever and prolonged
B6 Pyridoxin PLP 2-3 mg/day Absorbed in the intestine -> - Participates in - Excitability in children
e distributed to tissues -> metabolism of amino - Anemia in adults
phosphorylated -> acids as coenzyme
pyridoxol-phosphate is - PLP = cofactor in heme
oxidizes to pyridoxal biosynthesis
phosphate (PLP) -> - PLP = cofactor of
pyridoxamine-phosphate glycogen phosphorylase
generates PLP by in glycogen metabolism
PP, B3 Nicotinam NAD+ 5-25 mg/day Absorbed in the intestine -> - Participates in oxidative - Pellagra -> dermatitis,
ide transformed into reduction reactions as digestive disorders,
NADP+ nicotinamid adenine coenzyme taking 2H dementia, death
dinucleotide (NAD+) and from substrate
nicotinamid adenine - NADP+ = coenzyme in
dinucleotide phosphate reductive biosynthesis
(NADP+) reactions
- NAD+ = coenzyme in
catabolic reactions
B5 Panthoth CoA 10 mg/day Absorbed in intestine -> CoA: - Rare in humans
enic acid distributed in tissues -> - Participate in - Limb paralysis
Phosphop phosphorylated -> triglyceride - Coordination disorders
antetin transformed into Coenzyme synthesis or beta-
A and phosphopantetin oxidation

- Part of fatty acid
synthetase in
synthesis of fatty
Biotin Difficult to After absorption distributed - Coenzyme in - Rare in humans
establish due in tissues carboxylases ->
to intestinal important for protein, - Can be caused by avidin (egg
flora carbs and lipid whites)or prolonged use of
contribution metabolism antibiotics
Folic Pteroyglu 0,2 mg/day In the form of - Growth factor - Spina bifida (birth defects) -> - Antifolates are anticancer
acid tamic acid (increases pteroylpoliglutamic acid in - Involved in synthesis of incorrect formation of neural agents
tetrahydrofolic during food -> hydrolysed to nucleic acids tube
a lic
pregnancy pteroyl monoglutamic acid - Coenzyme of enzymes - Megaloblastic anemia
and growth in intestine -> one part is involved in transfer
period) absorbed, the otheris reactions of fragments
reduced to tetrahydrofolic with C-atoms
acid (Fol H4)
B12 Cobalami 2-3 ug/day - Absorbed in intestine after - B12 coenzyme- - Pernicious anemia: decreased
n only animal binding to intrinsic factor -> dependent processes -> numbers of red blood cells,
food sources intrinsic factor plasma exchange of an low hemoglobin levels,
detaches alkyl/substituted alkyl progressive neurological
group with a hydrogen deterioration

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