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Good Answers to Tough Questions in Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education 14,37 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Good Answers to Tough Questions in Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education

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  • Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education
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  • Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education

Preface Good Answers to Tough Questions in Mother Tongue–Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE): Introduction 3 Barbara Trudell 1. How can MTB-MLE be carried out in classrooms where three or more local languages are represented as mother tongues? 8 Carol Benson and Catherine Young 2 W...

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vorschau 4 aus 52   Seiten

  • 6. august 2024
  • 52
  • 2024/2025
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education
  • Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education

Barbara Trudell and
Catherine Young,

Good Answers to Tough Questions
in Mother Tongue-Based
Multilingual Education

, 1

Good Answers to Tough Questions in Mother Tongue-
Based Multilingual Education.

This volume published by SIL International
© 2016 SIL International

Barbara Trudell and Catherine Young

Cover Photos © 2016 SIL

, 1

Good Answers to Tough Questions
in Mother Tongue–Based Multilingual Education
Catherine Young and Barbara Trudell

, 2


Good Answers to Tough Questions in Mother Tongue–Based Multilingual Education
(MTB-MLE): Introduction 3
Barbara Trudell
1. How can MTB-MLE be carried out in classrooms where three or more local languages are
represented as mother tongues? 8
Carol Benson and Catherine Young
2 What is the most effective approach to transition to the use of a second language as medium of
instruction when classroom policy and practice has used the learner’s home language/first language
in the early primary years? Which school year is best for implementing this transition? 15
Dennis Malone
3. What can be done in contexts where teachers have inadequate oral fluency or literacy skills in
one or more of the languages being used in the program? 21
Stephen L. Walter
4. How can pilot MTB-MLE programs be successfully scaled up? 26
Greg and Diane Dekker
5. How can instructional materials and supplementary reading materials be effectively
developed for target populations speaking multiple dialects? 31
Diana Weber
6. When the orthography of the local language is not yet standardized or requires further review
in order to adequately represent the linguistic features of the language, how should this challenge
be handled in the program? 36
Leila Schroeder
7. How can informal and non-formal learning opportunities in the mother tongue best support
or supplement school settings, particularly when the formal school system is unable to serve as
a venue for MTB-MLE? 41
Rudy Klaas
8. What approaches have been proven effective for managing the use of two or more languages
in a bilingual/multilingual curriculum? 44
Kristine Trammell

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