In many countries, a high percentage of school learners live in informal settlements
that are confronted by continual fires that burn everything they own. Read the article
below to familiarise yourself with such learners’ encounters.
Father of three kids who died in shack fire “won't forgive”
BY HERMAN MOLOI - 29 August 2023 - 07:00
, Question 1
Identify and describe five (5) barriers to learning experienced by
1. Socio-Economic Barriers:
Sphesihle's family lives in poverty and an informal settlement without
basic amenities like water and sanitation. They rely on his grandfather's
income from selling wood, and they do not receive government grants
due to lack of proper documentation. This economic hardship affects
Sphesihle’s ability to focus on his studies due to concerns about basic
survival needs.
2. Environmental Barriers:
The informal settlement’s poor living conditions, including lack of running
water and sanitation, create a challenging environment for Sphesihle. He
is responsible for fetching water and performing household chores, which
leaves him exhausted and affects his concentration and energy levels for
3. Educational Barriers:
With 60 learners in his classroom, Sphesihle does not receive the
individual attention he needs. The overcrowded classroom makes it
difficult for the teacher to address each student’s specific needs,
contributing to his declining academic performance.
4. Language Barrier:
The language of instruction at Menwana Primary School differs from
Sphesihle's home language, making it hard for him to understand lessons
and participate in class activities effectively.
5. Intrinsic Barriers:
Sphesihle is partially sighted and cannot see the board from the back of
the classroom where he is seated. His visual impairment has not been
diagnosed or addressed, leading to further difficulties in following lessons
and completing written tasks.
6. Psychological and Emotional Barriers:
Trauma and Grief: Sphesihle lost his mother and sibling in a shack fire
and now lives with an abusive stepfather. This traumatic experience and
the resulting instability have likely caused emotional distress and anxiety,
further hindering his ability to concentrate and perform well in school.
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