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THEA 101 Test 1 || with 100% Error-free Answers. 10,59 €
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THEA 101 Test 1 || with 100% Error-free Answers.

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  • THEA 101

Which of the following plays is a comedy that provides a reflection of gender roles in sixteenth century England? correct answers The Taming of the Shrew Sophocles' play Oedipus the King is a good example of theatre meant strictly as entertainment. correct answers False Most historians believ...

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  • THEA 101
THEA 101 Test 1 || with 100% Error-free Answers.
Which of the following plays is a comedy that provides a reflection of gender roles in sixteenth
century England? correct answers The Taming of the Shrew

Sophocles' play Oedipus the King is a good example of theatre meant strictly as entertainment.
correct answers False

Most historians believe that Western theatre had its beginnings in religious ritual associated with
the Greek god Zeus. correct answers False

Which of the following is true about nonprofit theatres? correct answers Any money earned at
the box office is funneled back into the arts organization to
support other shows and programs.

Material specifically designed to advocate a particular point of view - whether to support or
challenge the status quo - is known as propaganda. correct answers True

In which kind of theatre would you expect to receive training as a theatre artist? correct answers

Who was Vaclav Havel? correct answers A playwright whose work was banned in his native
country but was elected the first
president of the Czech Republic.

At various times, the United States has had a nationwide institutionalized system of censorship.
correct answers False

Theatre has frequently been used to reinforce the status quo and build support for the
government in power. correct answers True

The fact that theatre is a live production presented to an audience makes it potentially effective
as a means for correct answers propaganda, social protest, exploring life in other times

The idea of Epic Theatre was popularized by the playwright, theorist, and director correct
answers Bertolt Brecht

Playwright and theorist Antonin Artaud described the purpose of theatre as correct answers
emotional identification

In a proscenium theatre, what is the orchestra? correct answers the space immediately in front of
the stage where seats are on the floor

Drottningholm Court Theatre in Sweden is an example of a historic correct answers proscenium

, When an audience member feels a sense of detachment from the action on stage, this experience
is called correct answers aesthetic distance

In a proscenium theatre, the area of the stage closest to the audience is known as correct answers

Vomitories are entrances to seating for the audience that often run underneath the audience and
come out into the seating area. correct answers True

Theatre operations that deal directly with the audience are called "front-of-house." correct
answers true

Most people who work in the theatre do so because most of the jobs are highly paid correct
answers false

The arena configuration was first invented in the middle ages correct answers false

The person responsible for the safety and comfort of the audience members during their time in
the theatre is the correct answers house manager

The abbreviation XURC stands for "cross upstage right center." correct answers true

The Greek term "catharsis" refers to correct answers a feeling of emotional release near the end
of a play

The stage manager is responsible for organizing and overseeing ticket sales. correct answers

The traditional theatrical space that features the audience on only one side of the performance
area is the correct answers proscenium

The term "raked" means that the floor of the audience area or the stage is sloped. correct answers

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the proscenium arch? correct answers It gives
the audience a 360-degree view of the action.

The fully realized performance of a play with actors, lights, scenery and costumes is known as a
production. correct answers true

Typically, contemporary production begins with a script created by the correct answers

The term "environmental theatre" refers to the principle of correct answers actors and audience
sharing the same space

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