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HCC Hand Crafted Chiropractic QME Exam: Terms, Dates, and Concepts Review Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Graded A+ 13,82 €   In den Einkaufswagen


HCC Hand Crafted Chiropractic QME Exam: Terms, Dates, and Concepts Review Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Graded A+

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  • Kurs
  • QME Qualified Medical Evaluator
  • Hochschule
  • University Of California - Los Angeles

HCC Hand Crafted Chiropractic QME Exam: Terms, Dates, and Concepts Review Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Graded A+

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  • 10. august 2024
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  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • University Of California - Los Angeles
  • QME Qualified Medical Evaluator
HCC Hand Crafted Chiropractic QME
Exam: Terms, Dates, and Concepts
Review Questions with 100% Correct
Answers | Graded A+

David Mungai [Date] [Course title]

, HCC Hand Crafted Chiropractic QME
Exam: Terms, Dates, and Concepts
Review Questions with 100% Correct
Answers | Graded A+
A QME certification is valid for how may years? - Answer>> 2
years (LC 139.2)

What are 3 requirements a physician must complete to become a
certified QME? - Answer>> (1) QME competency exam
(2) 12-hour course in report writing
(3) Devote at least 1/3rd of total practice time to providing direct
medical treatment (or have served as a AME on 8+ occasions in
past 12 months prior to application)

What are 2 reasons for termination/suspension of a QME without
a hearing? - Answer>> (1) Licensing board
suspends/revokes/terminates license to practice
(2) Failure to pay required fee (upon appointment and yearly

What are the 6 reasons for discipline (suspension/termination) of
QME that would require a hearing? - Answer>> (1) Violation of
material statutory or administrative duty;
(2) Failure to follow medical procedures or qualifications;
(3) Failure to comply with the timeframe standards;
(4) Failure to meet licensing/certification requirements;
(5) Preparation of medical-legal evaluations that fail to meet the
minimum standards for those reports as established by the
administrative director or the appeals board;
(6) Making material misrepresentations or false statements in an
application for appointment or reappointment as a qualified
medical evaluator.

,What is the definition of an Injury in WC claims? - Answer>> (1)
Injury or disease arising out of employment
(2) Injury caused by treatment of an injury
(3) Reaction to, or side effect from care

What is the definition of Specific Injury in WC claims? -
Answer>> Injury from of a single incident or exposure

What is the definition of Cumulative Injury in WC claims? -
Answer>> Repetitive trauma over a period of time

What are the 2 requirements for a condition to be considered an
injury in WC cases? - Answer>> (1) Cause a disability
(2) Need for medical treatment

What is the definition of occupational disease? - Answer>>
Disease/Injury that is caused by work

What are the 7 types of excluded injuries in WC Cases? -
Answer>> (1) Use of alcohol or illegal drugs
(2) Self inflicted injuries
(3) Suicide
(4) Altercations, in which the injured employee is the initial
physical aggressor
(5) Committing of a felony
(6) Off-duty recreational activities
(7) Psychiatric injuries claimed after notice of termination

What are the 4 basic conditions to establish a workers'
compensation claim? - Answer>> (1) Injury
(2) Employment relationship
(3) Injury caused by the employment (AOE)
(4) Occurred in the course of the employment (COE)

, What 3 requirements constitutes an aggravation of a pre-existing,
non-industrial condition in WC cases? - Answer>> (1) Causes a
temporary or permanent increase in disability
(2) Creates a new need for medical treatment
(3) Requires a change in the existing course of treatment

What 4 items are determined by the DOI? - Answer>> (1)
Compensation rate
(2) Employers who are liable for the claim.
(3) Statute of limitations for particular procedures
(4) Regulations that will apply to the worker's injury

What are 3 factors are needed to establish a causation
determination? - Answer>> (1) Presence of pathological
conditions and disability
(2) Relevant work exposures
(3) Non-industrial exposures (other causes of disease)

What are the 5 major types of causation? - Answer>> (1) Direct
(2) Contributing
(3) Acceleration
(4) Precipitation
(5) Aggravation

What is the definition of direct causation? - Answer>> Work
exposures are directly responsible for the health outcomes

What is the definition of contributing causation? - Answer>>
Several work factors led to the disease

What is the definition of Acceleration Causation? - Answer>> -
Disease/injury is accelerated by of work.
- (The date of the onset of the disease is much sooner than it
would have been in the absence of the exposure)

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