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Biological Psychology Mock Exam

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This is a 60 multiple choice question mock exam created for the 1.2C Biological Psychology course. There is an answer key at the end to check your answers.

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  • 12. august 2024
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Multiple-Choice Questions

1. What is the primary function of dendrites in a neuron?

A) To transmit impulses away from the neuron
B) To receive information from other neurons
C) To protect the axon with a myelin sheath
D) To connect the soma to the presynaptic terminal

2. Which type of neuron is responsible for carrying information away from the central nervous system?

A) Afferent neuron
B) Interneuron
C) Efferent neuron
D) Unipolar neuron

3. What distinguishes multipolar neurons from unipolar neurons?

A) Multipolar neurons have a single extension from the cell body
B) Multipolar neurons have more than two extensions from the cell body
C) Multipolar neurons are exclusively found in the peripheral nervous system
D) Multipolar neurons do not have dendrites

4. What is the primary function of the superior colliculi in the midbrain?

A) Auditory processing
B) Visual-motor function
C) Hormonal regulation
D) Sensory relay

5. Which structure in the forebrain is primarily responsible for regulating motivated behaviors such as sleep
and sex?

A) Thalamus
B) Cerebellum
C) Hypothalamus
D) Pineal gland

6. What is the role of the pituitary gland in relation to the hypothalamus?

A) It processes sensory information from the eyes.
B) It synthesizes hormones in response to signals from the hypothalamus.
C) It controls motor functions in the spinal cord.
D) It regulates auditory functions in the brain.

7. Which part of the nervous system is responsible for controlling vital reflexes such as breathing and heart

A) Peripheral nervous system
B) Forebrain
C) Myelencephalon
D) Somatic nervous system

8. What is the role of astrocytes in the nervous system?

A) To remove waste and synchronize neuronal activity
B) To build myelin sheaths around axons

, C) To guide the migration of neurons during embryonic development
D) To control sensations from the head

9. What is the primary function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain?

A) To provide nutrients to the neurons
B) To fill the subarachnoid space and protect the brain
C) To facilitate the transmission of electrical signals between neurons
D) To store excess oxygen for brain cells

10. Which part of the nervous system is responsible for controlling voluntary muscles and conveying sensory
information to the central nervous system (CNS)?

A) Autonomic Nervous System
B) Somatic Nervous System
C) Sympathetic Nervous System
D) Parasympathetic Nervous System

11. How does the blood-brain barrier function in relation to toxins and nutrients?

A) It allows all substances to pass freely into the brain.
B) It inhibits the passage of toxins but allows nutrients to pass passively.
C) It inhibits the passage of toxins and requires active transport for most nutrients.
D) It only allows small molecules to pass through without restriction.

12. What is the primary function of the occipital lobe in the brain?

A) Processing auditory information
B) Controlling fine motor movements
C) Monitoring body position and movement
D) Processing visual information

13. Which structure is primarily responsible for the regulation of motivated behaviors and is located around the

A) Basal ganglia
B) Cingulate cortex
C) Amygdala
D) Hippocampus

14. What role does the nucleus accumbens play in the brain?

A) It is involved in the processing of visual information.
B) It plays a role in the rewarding effects of addictive drugs.
C) It regulates body temperature and sleep cycles.
D) It is responsible for the coordination of fine motor skills.

15. What is the primary function of the parasympathetic nervous system?

A) To increase heart rate and energy expenditure
B) To conserve energy and promote rest
C) To facilitate rapid reflex responses
D) To enhance sensory perception

16. In terms of lateralization of function, which cognitive ability is most strongly lateralized?

A) Emotional processing
B) Visual perception

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