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Solutions Manual For Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity 6th Edition By Ansel Ugural, Saul Fenster (All Chapters, 100% Original Verified, A+ Grade) 26,30 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Solutions Manual For Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity 6th Edition By Ansel Ugural, Saul Fenster (All Chapters, 100% Original Verified, A+ Grade)

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This Is The Original 6th Edition Of The Solution Manual From The Original Author All Other Files In The Market Are Fake/Old Editions. Other Sellers Have Changed The Old Edition Number To The New But The Solution Manual Is An Old Edition. Solutions Manual For Advanced Mechanics of Materials and ...

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Solutions Manual

Advanced Mechanics of
Materials and Applied Elasticity
6th Edition


Ansel Ugural
Saul Fenster

Part 1: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Page 1-352
Part 2: MATLAB SOLUTIONS: Page 353-414

, Part 1

Chapter 1 Analysis of Stress 1

Chapter 2 Strain and Material Properties 48

Chapter 3 Problem in Elasticity 83

Chapter 4 Failure Criteria 111

Chapter 5 Bending of Beams 133

Chapter 6 Torsion of Prismatic Bars 166

Chapter 7 Numerical Methods 186

Chapter 8 Thick-Walled Cylinders and Rotating Disks 227

Chapter 9 Beams on Elastic Foundations 248

Chapter 10 Applications of Energy Methods 259

Chapter 11 Stability of Columns 284

Chapter 12 Plastic Behavior of Materials 309

Chapter 13 Stresses in Plates and Shells 335


From Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity, 6/e, by Ansel C. Ugural and Saul K. Fenster (9780135793886)
Copyright © 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.


We have
A = 50 × 75 = 3.75(10−3 ) m 2 , θ = 50o , and σ x = P A .
Equations (1.11), with θ = 50o :
σ x ' = 700(10 3 ) = σ x cos 2 50o = 0.413σ x = 110.18P
or P = 6.35 kN
τ x ' y ' 560(10
= = 3
) σ x sin 50o =
cos 50o 0.492
= σ x 131.2 P
P = 4.27 kN = Pall

Normal stress is
125(103 )
σ x= P
A= = 50 MPa

( a ) Equations (1.11), with θ = 20o :
=σ x ' 50
= cos 2 20o 44.15 MPa
τ x' y' =
−50sin 20o cos 20o =
−16.08 MPa
σ y ' 50 cos 2 (20o +=
= 90o ) 5.849 MPa

5.849 MPa
44.15 MPa
16.08 MPa x’
20 o

θ = 45o :
( b ) Equations (1.11), with
=σ x ' 50
= cos 2 45o 25 MPa
τ x' y' =
−50sin 45o cos 45o =
−25 MPa
σ y ' 50 cos 2 (45o +=
= 90o ) 25 MPa

25 MPa
25 MPa
25 MPa
45 o

From Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity, 6/e, by Ansel C. Ugural and Saul K. Fenster (9780135793886)
Copyright © 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

, ______________________________________________________________________________________

From Eq. (1.11a),
σx = cos 2 θ
= −75
cos 2 30o
= −100 MPa
For θ = 50 , Eqs. (1.11) give then

σ x' =−100 cos 2 50o = −41.32 MPa
41.32 MPa
τ x ' y ' = −( −100) sin 50o cos 50o 58.68 MPa
= 49.24 MPa 50 o
Similarly, for θ = 140 :

σ x' = −100 cos 2 140o =
−58.68 MPa
τ x ' y ' = −49.24 MPa 49.24 MPa


Refer to Fig. 1.6c. Equations (1.11) by substituting the double angle-trigonometric relations,
or Eqs. (1.18) with σ y = 0 and τ xy = 0 , become

σ x ' = 12 σ x + 12 σ x cos 2θ and τ x ' y ' = 12 σ x sin 2θ
20 = P
2A (1 + cos 2θ ) and 10 = P
2A sin 2θ

The foregoing lead to
2 sin 2θ − cos 2θ = 1 (a)

By introducing trigonometric identities, Eq. (a) becomes
4 sin θ cos θ − 2 cos 2 θ = 0 or tan θ = 1 2 . Hence
θ = 26.56o
=20 P
2(1300) (1 + 0.6)
P = 32.5 kN
It can be shown that use of Mohr’s circle yields readily the same result.

Equations (1.12):
P −150(103 )
σ1 = = = −76.4 MPa
A π 2
τ max
= = 38.2 MPa


From Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity, 6/e, by Ansel C. Ugural and Saul K. Fenster (9780135793886)
Copyright © 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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