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MGMT 4660 Exam 1 || All Correct. 11,08 €
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MGMT 4660 Exam 1 || All Correct.

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  • MGMT 4660

emerging markets countries correct answers India, China, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, and Venezuela multinational management correct answers the formulation of strategies & designs of management systems that successfully ta...

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  • MGMT 4660
  • MGMT 4660
MGMT 4660 Exam 1 || All Correct.
emerging markets countries correct answers India, China, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia,
Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, and Venezuela

multinational management correct answers the formulation of strategies & designs of
management systems that successfully take advantage of international opportunities & respond
to international threat

multinational company correct answers an organization that does business in several countries

globalization correct answers Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in
making something worldwide in scope

developed countries correct answers Country that is highly industrialized and has a high per
capita GNP

developing countries correct answers Countries with less productive economies and a lower
quality of life

transition economies correct answers countries in the process of converting from a centrally
planned to a capitalist economy.

emerging markets correct answers newly industrialized countries plus those with the potential to
become newly industrialized

developed economies correct answers Australia, Austria, Belgium, GB, Canada, Denmark,
France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, US

developing countries correct answers Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia,

transition countries correct answers Czech, Hungary, Poland, Russia

GATT correct answers A United Nations agency created by a multinational treaty to promote
trade by the reduction of tariffs and import quotas

WTO correct answers A global coalition of more than 140 governments that makes rules
governing international trade.

regional trade agreements correct answers mutual commitments that binds several neighboring
countries to pursue common economic and financial policies

European Union correct answers ..., an international organization of European countries formed
after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members

, NAFTA correct answers A trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico that
encourages free trade between these North American countries.

APEC correct answers (Asia-pacific Economic Cooperation) A forum of the Asia-Pacific region
to discuss and negotiate matters of common economic interest, especially trade matters.
examples of states in APEC are Australia, NZ, Japan, Chile, China and the U.S

foreign direct investment correct answers Investment made by a foreign company in the
economy of another country.

ISO 9001:2000 correct answers Standards developed by the International Organization for
Standardization in Switzerland to ensure consistent quality management and quality assurance
for goods and services throughout the European Union (EU).

ISO 14000 correct answers A collection of the best practices for managing an organization's
impact on the environment.

ethisphere correct answers renowned third think tank dedicated to furthering business ethics and
corporate social responsibility

global mindset correct answers An individual's ability to perceive, appreciate, and empathize
with people from other cultures, and to process complex cross-cultural information

emotional intelligence correct answers Is a component of leadership and refers to the capacity for
recognizing your own feelings and those of others, for motivating yourself, and for managing
emotions well in yourself and in your relationships.

intellectual capital correct answers a smart work force that is able to continuously learn and

psychological capital correct answers Striving for success by developing one's self-efficacy,
optimism, hope, and resiliency

social capital correct answers Democratic and civic habits of discussion, compromise, and
respect for differences, which grow out of participation in voluntary organizations.

strategy correct answers A pattern of actions and resource allocations designed to achieve the
organization's goals., A cluster of decisions about what goals to pursue, what actions to take, and
how to use resources to achieve goals

strategy formulation correct answers The development of a set of corporate, business, and
functional strategies that allow an organization to accomplish its mission and achieve its goals

strategy implementation correct answers The sum total of the activates and choices required for
the execution of a strategic plan - it is the process by which strategies are put into action through
budgets, programs, and procedures.

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