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Media Communication Theory Summary (Lectures) 3,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Media Communication Theory Summary (Lectures)

1 bewertung
 44 mal angesehen  2 käufe
  • Kurs
  • Hochschule
  • Book

This is a summary of the lectures. Some extra explanations are added for a better understanding. Some book terms that were not in the lecture are also included to capture the full picture. It is recommended to read the book next to using this summary for your exam. Good luck!

vorschau 3 aus 21   Seiten

  • Unbekannt
  • 31. oktober 2019
  • 21
  • 2019/2020
  • Zusammenfassung

1  bewertung


von: shineshining • 3 Jahr vor

Media and communication theory –
Dr. Arno van der Hoeven
Book: media/society : Industries, images and audiences (6 th
edition) by David Croteau and William Hoynes

 theories and concepts
 but also includes the big media and society trends
 you need to know the names of researchers associated
with theories or concepts

Lecture 1
Main message:
 media are pervasive
 key sociological concern is the tension between structure and agency

Theory +a systematic explanation for the observation that relate to a particular aspect of life”
– Babbie (page 8)
 looking for patters!

Single tasking: using one media
Multitask: performing different activities at the same time
Media multitasking with another main activity: using different media channels at the same time
(radio, social media and ironing)
Media multitasking without another main activity: using different media channels at the same time
(radio and social media)

(Mass) media
 is affecting people and society
 dominant social institution in our society
 is a powerful socializing agent

Socialisation = the process whereby we learn and
internalize the values, beliefs and norms of our culture,
and in doing so, develop a sense of self

 generalization of what genders should be like

Social construction of reality = the process of shaping reality through social interaction. While reality
exists, we must negotiate the meaning of that reality.

Why a sociological perspective?

,1.1 Structure vs Agency
Agency (independent action)= choices based purely on autonomous decisions, actions and creativity
 Intentional and undetermined human action
Structure (Constraints) = choices were influenced or constrained by other things and thus not so
autonomous (patters, taken for granted ways of doing things)
 any recurring pattern of social behaviour

Structure and agency work together and influence each other to a certain extend.
 there is a new artist with a new sound, to a certain extend they use her agency and take the risk, but also
structures influence to which extend the agency can be used in the way it is.
 in some situations the agency is stronger, sometimes the structure
 can also create new structures through the agency

Producing talent is shaped by:
 Human agency (personal style, creativity, decisions, personal preferences)
 structural constraints (economic considerations, genres, routines, music history)

Studying the production, contents and influencers / reception of mass media
1. there is an (infinite) tension between structure and agency
2. structure is partially shaped by agency
3. one can be more shaping than the other

Some artists are more commercial and some more creative. depending on this the structure or
agency will have a dominant role with the artist and will not be changed to drastically

“A tug of war” between structural constraints and human agency

1.2 Short history of media
the 5th estate movie  watch

, 19th century
 newspaper important for new upcoming class for business people and they challenged the
established powers. as people started to read the same newspapers made people feel like they
belonged to a group and became a member of a nation state as they were consuming the same
media products  movement towards freedom as people could create more autonomy by sharing
their opinions and values

Early 20th century
 mass media term was invented
Mass media:
 large scale
 one-way content
 a known sender and an anonymous audience

The cinema was invented as ways of entertainment
 rapidly declined with the introduction of television as people started watching movies at home
Radio: controlled by the government as they assigned who could broadcast what and the frequency

 Cambridge dictionary: “The conversion of text, pictures, or sound into a digital form that can be
processed by a computer”. (‘the digitization of the rare map collection at the library’/ ‘digitization projects of archival material’)

Lecture 2
How can we understand the relationship between technological developments and social change?
 Media technologies are both influenced by and shape social life
 technologies are socially constructed by cultural norms, regulations, and economic forces

2.1 Popular discourses on new media and technology & medium theory

Popular discourse = something popular liked by the many

Technological determination (Billiard ball approach)
 an approach that identifies technology, or technological developments as the central causal
element in process of social change
 technology leads to effect followed by consequences or changes in society.
 Is on the side of structure, ignores our agency!

Medium theory
the body of literature that focuses on the technological aspects of media beyond their content.
 New media technologies rework the balance of our senses:
 print media: intensifies the visual
 electronic medias (TV): reconnect the senses fragmentation by print and a global extension
of our senses

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