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Blue Prism Developer Exams Questions with Correct Answers

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Blue Prism Developer Exams Questions with Correct Answers

vorschau 4 aus 38   Seiten

  • 21. august 2024
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  • 2024/2025
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Blue prism
  • Blue prism
Blue Prism Developer Exams Questions with Correct
Child Index Correct Answer-Blue Prism version 4.1.3 and above
includes a feature which allows you to specify the Child
Index of the process to which to attach. Each session is given a unique
index based on the
order in which the process for that session was created. For example the
main parent process
is given the index of 0, whereas the first tab of the process is given the
Child Index of 1. The
Child Index parameter is specified in the attach action of a navigate

Browser Automation - what is default parent process index? Correct
Answer-Blue Prism version 4.1.3 and above includes a feature which
allows you to specify the Child
Index of the process to which to attach. Each session is given a unique
index based on the
order in which the process for that session was created. For example the
main parent process
is given the index of 0, whereas the first tab of the process is given the
Child Index of 1. The
Child Index parameter is specified in the attach action of a navigate

,How can you prevent IE from creating multiple processes? Correct
you can configure Internet
Explorer to not create multiple processes. This is done by changing a
registry setting,
specifically the registry key:
HKEY CURRENT USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
A DWORD value called TabProcGrowth should be set to one of the
following values:
0 (Zero) - This disables protected mode for IE Security Zones and tells
Explorer to open tabs and frames within the same process.
1 (One) - This leaves protected mode enabled, and ensures that all tabs
in a given
frame run in a single process. Note that this may require the use of
process flow to
launch and separately attach to the required IE instance. Two processes
will still be
created, one for the frame and one for all the tabs within that frame.
Changing the value will require Internet Explorer to be restarted before
it can pick up the new
registry value.

How could you ensure IE opens tabs and frames within the same process
instead of multiple processes? Correct Answer-you can configure

,Explorer to not create multiple processes. This is done by changing a
registry setting,
specifically the registry key:
HKEY CURRENT USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
A DWORD value called TabProcGrowth should be set to one of the
following values:
0 (Zero) - This disables protected mode for IE Security Zones and tells
Explorer to open tabs and frames within the same process.

Why would you ever control the launching and attaching of IE within
the process flow vs. application model? Correct Answer-If you
configured the DWORD value for TabProcGrowth in order to ensure IE
uses one process vs. multiple processes. DWORD value of 1 (One)
leaves protected mode enabled, and ensures that all tabs in a given
frame run in a single process. This may require the use of process flow
launch and separately attach to the required IE instance. Two processes
will still be
created, one for the frame and one for all the tabs within that frame.

If you are experiencing issues launching a browser based application
what could you do differently? Correct Answer-You should be able to
launch a web application like you would any other application. If you
experiencing problems launching a web app, it should be noted that
sometimes web apps

, need to be launched directly by the Internet Explorer process and then
attached to. This can
be performed by using a built in Blue Prism utility called Utility -
Environment. There is an
action within this object called Start Process which takes the path of the
application you would
wish to start and any command line arguments.

T/F - Do HTML elements need to be visible to be spied? Correct
Answer-FALSE - A useful tip to remember is that to read or write to an
HTML element, that element does not
have to actually be visible on the screen. As long as the element exists
on the page you are
currently viewing, reading or writing to it should work.

T/F - Win32 mode may be used for spying web elements (drop down,
text box, etc) on the web page. Correct Answer-FALSE - Win32 mode
will only work with Internet Explorer windows themselves, not with the
web app within. This mode is particularly helpful for manipulating IE
windows by
performing actions such as Resize, Activate and Send Keys. It can also
be used with
Wait stages, for example, waiting for a window to appear on the screen.

T/F - HTML mode will only recognize the HTML elements within the
web app, nothing

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