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Summary Lernzettel

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Summary of 5 pages for the course Geschichte at Gymnasium (Lernzettel)

vorschau 2 aus 5   Seiten

  • 28. august 2024
  • 5
  • 2024/2025
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium
  • Geschichte
  • 2
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (489)
Bismarckian Foreign Policy (1871-1890)

domestic policy

Bismarck impact by force , paternalism decisions

Seeking out enemies neutralising their making all >
people you govern


↳ made peace mutually selficial
came up with a complex system of alliances to all the great powers >
most of the time

↳ "realist" -
> make nature required at times the escape of conflict <OBJECTIVE :
keep a balance of thesion alive in Europe

avoided if it threated--peace
war between separate states MittelEuropa and Germany
- ->

↳ if tension had to be played out >
direct it to overseas Empire + furthermost parts of Europe

Bismarck's policy in practice :
twofold :
permanent isolation of France +
maintenance of peaceful co-existence with Austria-Hungary Russia

↳ failed to
"pacify France" , promoted Austro-Russian friendship


between 1871 and 1890 he would become
on informal refere between Balkan and Ottoman Empire

for Austria : rise of Balkan states threatened to destabilise he own multi-ethnic empire

Strategies :
Comparison of Bismarck and von Blow

Bismarck von Bulon


European place

armanent; military weapons


system of alliances ( < isolation of France


Germany should not be seen as
on enemy imperialist policy

status quo (should be kept) -> current situation ·

no alliances

von Blow

> Since 1897 : State Secretary Minister

< 1900-1909 : Reich Chancellor of the German Empire/Reich

Brlow's speech

attitude towards
Germany's future foreign policy

advocated for a more assertive and expansionist foreign policy

argued :
Germany- > seek to establish itself -

major colonial power
expand the country's overseas territories

"advocated : strong navy + more agressive stance towards other European powers

, reflected
speech a belief in the need for Germany ->
assert itself-major world power to take -
more active role in international affairs

Bilow's strategy in 4
keywords position German Reich should have in future -
> Blow


expansionist ·

assertive ·

world power


colonial ·



, Why did tension increase in Europe between 1900-1914

period 1900-1914 :
long tom causes

First Moroccan Crisis 1906

France Conquer : Morocco ,
one of the points of the Enterte Cordiale (1904) - >
British--help them

< 1905 : Kaiser Wilhelm Visited Morocco <
promise >protect Morocco


French : furious with Germany

British por :
attempt by G to on
build Empire to rival their's empire


a conference at Algeciras 1906 : Brit . and R supported F , G forced -
promise -> stay out of M

"annoyed G- thought they-ganging up to stop G occupying

its rightful place in the world


1907 :
B and R ,
alarmed by G's intentions --

Telegraph Article 1908

Kaiser Wilhelm -
interview :
Daily Telegraph newspaper ,
said :
English were mad' (even though he claimed--friends W B), said
G people hated

them and demanded : G must have a powerful fleet to protect her interests in even the most distant seas



outraged the British

convinced them : G -
challenge the B Empire overseas

Bosnian Crisis 1908,

Turkey decline : -

long time

> 1908 : revolution in T A-H- > advantage -- take over the Turkish State of Bosnia


Serbia :
furious -
Boincluded Serbs whom it had hoped to rule

"eventually : Led -
assassination at Sarajevo ,


asked R shelp ,
R called a European Conference expecting : Support ,
- >
F and Brit .
no support ,
no conference

DR back down -
humiliated -
vowed not-back down again

Agadir Crisis ,

revolution Morocco F- army stop it took over the country
> -
> - > -

in the Middle : Kaiser W sent- > gunboat Panther : Moroccan Port of Agadir


F ,
B :
furious < B Minister Lloyd George B's : interests vitally affected fear >
G's intentions increased

G forced--back gunship--given Congo G hatred , 1 W
down ,
remove -
> small piece of ungle in incr
. . . determined ->
not to be the L

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