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Summary lernzettel weimarer republik 16,66 €
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Summary lernzettel weimarer republik

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Summary of 5 pages for the course Geschichte at Gymnasium (lernzettel)

vorschau 2 aus 5   Seiten

  • 28. august 2024
  • 5
  • 2024/2025
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium
  • Geschichte
  • 2
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (510)
C onstitution :
dealing with the consequences of WW1

Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

1 Territorial arrangements :


G lost 10 % Of her pop . & 13 % of her territory (Alsace Coraine ,
West Prs . & Posen to Poland

G colonies -

placed under Allied mondates


G Cities --
placed under Allied control

. War
2 guilt :

article 231

3 reparations

G -
pay for the war damages (6600 mill El


subst .

payments :


the Saar to be under control of the lague of Nations

. Disarmament

army reduced to 100
. 000 tanks big guns military arcraft

no or , no


G navy limited -
36 ships no submarines


Rhineland to be demilitarised

5 Maintaining peace


creation of the League of Nation 16 joined 1926):

The "Diktat"


Treaty >

considered -
> v . different from Pres Wodrow Wilson's
14 Points

"Self-Determination :
many considered as "German" --
excluded from -new G State (Austria Donzig
etc )

Guilt hard to accept b2--people thought they were defensive war in 1914
clause fighting

war a


G felt ->
only country -
> disarmed (Wodrow spoke of universal disarmament (

this weakened the new government from the start

was the Tor that bad ?

G --
not physically occupied If & Bel . Suffered

ToV didn't weaken G politically be G's position in 1919-stronger than 1914

financ burden--heavy but G-still a major power-had the strongest economy in Europe (extensive industry + resources /

1932 :
G received more in loons than she paid for rep .
due to Dawes Plan

propaganda was loud i new government had to take the burden >

was blamed for the WW1

To contr internal politics + economic difficulties G had to face in
that 1919

, the Weimar constitution

the Social Democrats won the Jan 1919 elections

they held the 1 .
meeting of their new government in Weimar >
nickname "The Weimar Gov

their 1. job : write a new constitution for G

Their new rules :

terms of the Constitution

. was democratic & system of checks and balances ensured power was shared out

local gov .
run by 18 regions Central gov -given more power

2 Houses of government Reichstag & Reichsrat

Reichstag : Contr · taxation

everyone over 20 could vote

Reichsrat :
could delay laws unless overruled by 213 majority in Reichstag

Chancellor--head of


chose a ruled the
ministers country

↳ to laws--needed majority the
pass in Reichstag

President ->
head of state >elected every 7y


under Article 48 ,
he could a pass
suspend constitution laws by decree

↳ took no part in day to day government

↳ <
Ebert- > I President

chose the chancellor promised General Grower there would be no reform of the army

↳ told the industrialists' Leader there -11-11---nationalisation of business
Could dismiss the Reichstag

↳ promised Trade Unionist Leader there would be a .
max O hour working day
could take control of the army

Problems faced by the Weimar Government 1919-1923 ILRIM

Ineffective :
they didn't create a strong gov . :

Article 48 gave the pres too much power in emergency he could make laws who to the Reichstag-used this often


proportional Representation -
> loads of different parties in the Reichstag
- >
difficult-> get them to
agree on

this pol .
choos caused many to lose faith in the new democratic system

G states --
too much power and often ignored by the gov

the Army (generals ->
same men who had fought for the Kaiser
, wanted his return / not fully under the gov's control

↳ Putsch 1923 Crisis
failed to support the gov .

during the Kapp or the


judges were the same who had served under the Kaiser- >
sympathetic with those against the Rep.

Left-wing Rebellions : the communist KPD hated the new government


Jan .
1919 :
50 000 .

Spartacists rebelled in Berlin Led by :
Rosa Luxemburg + Karl libknecht

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