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Foundations of Education Exam 1 || A+ GUARANTEED!!

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  • Foundations Of Education

Emma Willard correct answers Wrote and disseminated views on opening higher education to women. Opened Troy Female Seminary to prepare professional teachers. Friedrich Froebel correct answers Founded the first kindergarten. German. nature primary source. Teacher as warm moral and cultural suppor...

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  • Foundations of Education
  • Foundations of Education
Foundations of Education Exam 1 || A+ GUARANTEED!!
Emma Willard correct answers Wrote and disseminated views on opening higher education to
women. Opened Troy Female Seminary to prepare professional teachers.

Friedrich Froebel correct answers Founded the first kindergarten. German. nature primary
source. Teacher as warm moral and cultural supportive model.

Prudence Crandall correct answers Found school for girls that admitted black in Canterbury,

Maria Montessori correct answers First female physician in Italy. Carefully prepared
environment for young children with working materials and individualized learning.

Mary McLeod Bethune correct answers African American. First child in family born out of
slavery. Founded a school that became Bethune-Cookman College. Became influential
presidential advisor.

Sylvia Ashton-Warner correct answers Flamboyant and eccentric. Developed key vocabulary
system for teaching reading to young children. Wrote influential best sell Teacher.

Kenneth Clark correct answers First AA to receive a doctorate in psychology from Columbia
University. Doll study: black kids wanted white dolls. Cited in Supreme Court Brown v.

Paulo Freire correct answers Committed to education of poor and oppressed. Teachers should
work towards making students concerned about social issues. Student Centered teaching.

John Dewey correct answers Established laboratory school at University of Chicago.
Progressive education. Broaden school program to include health concerns, family and
community issues, and vocational education. Applied applied new research in psychology
and social science to classrooms. More democratic educational approach, interest and needs
of students. Criticism from far right political forces and and traditional teacher centered
theorist. 1930's 8 year study determined progressive teaching better than traditional.

Latin Grammar School correct answers Colonial school for wealthy boys ages 7-14 only.
Latin, Greek, math, science, and modern languages taught.

Segregation correct answers de jure segregation- segregation by law. de facto segregation-
result of segregated residential patterns, that were prompted by discriminatory real estate

Horace Mann correct answers Common school movement. Public elementary school for
everyone. Established Massachusetts State Board of Education and became secretary. "Father
of public education." Practical subjects as opposed to Greek/Latin/ect. Opposed routine
corporal punishment, worked for abolition, women's rights, and temperance.

Kalamazoo case correct answers Ruled taxes could be used to support secondary schools.

, Colonial education correct answers Stress religion. New England- Puritan education. Latin
grammar school followed by Harvard College. Middle Atlantic- diverse religious private
schools emphasizing practical skills. South- private tutors for wealthy followed by boarding
school. Skills training. Local control.

Title IX correct answers Prohibits gender discrimination in admission, treatment of students,
counseling, financial aid, employment, health benefits, athletics, ect.

10th amendment correct answers Education not mentioned in constitution. Any area not
specifically mentioned in the Constitution as a federal responsibility is automatically assigned
to the states.

early textbooks correct answers Hornbook worn around neck. New England Primer- stressed
religion and morals in learning. American spelling book replaced New England Primer.
McGruffey Readers geared for different grade levels.

"gendered" culture correct answers Teaching has always been a gendered career. First it was
gendered male. The demand for inexpensive teachers created by the common school made
hiring women teachers inevitable. School districts preferred spinsters, unmarried women. By
early 20th century 90% of teachers were female, but they still faced sexism. Depression and
WWII meant more married women had to work. Now education is gendered female and some
male teachers face sexism.

Old Deluder Satan Law correct answers Massachusetts law of 1647. Puritans attempt to
thwart Satan with scripture knowledgeable citizens. Every town must appoint and pay a
teacher of reading and writing. Every town of one hundred households must provide a Latin
grammar school to prepare youth for university.

Native Americans correct answers They were assigned to reservations and force taught to
accept white Christian culture and repress their own. Today over half of NA do not live on
reservations and attend public schools.

Arab Americans correct answers About 3 million. Experienced prejudice, especially since
9/11. Arabs are a cultural group, not necessarily Muslim. Culture enjoys close proximity,
may be louder than Americans, value punctuality, generally farther behind in women's rights.

Hispanics correct answers Approximately one fourth of today's kindergartener's are Hispanic.
Largest minority in U.S. 45 million.

Asian Americans correct answers 15 million in U.S.

Benjamin Franklin Academy correct answers New secondary school to replace the Latin
grammar school. Free of religious influence and offering practical subjects. Elective courses
offered. Accepted both boys and girls. Eventually 6 thousand academies established.
Originally Franklin Academy became University of Pennsylvania.

Colonial Education vs. Present U.S ed. correct answers Today we have free education for all
children regardless of race or gender that is supported by tax money, free of religious
influence, and practical.

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