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Test Bank Davis Advantage for Pediatric Nursing The Critical Components of Nursing Care Second Edition by Kathryn Rudd Chapter 1-22| A+ ULTIMATE GUIDE 2023/2024 update. 16,20 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank Davis Advantage for Pediatric Nursing The Critical Components of Nursing Care Second Edition by Kathryn Rudd Chapter 1-22| A+ ULTIMATE GUIDE 2023/2024 update.

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Test Bank Davis Advantage for Pediatric Nursing The Critical Components of Nursing Care Second Edition by Kathryn Rudd Chapter 1-22| A+ ULTIMATE GUIDE 2023/2024 update. Test Bank Davis Advantage for Pediatric Nursing The Critical Components of Nursing Care Second Edition by Kathryn Rudd Chapter 1-...

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  • Pediatric Nursing: Critical Components Of Nursing
  • Pediatric Nursing: Critical Components Of Nursing
, Test iBank iDavis iAdvantage ifor iPediatric iNursing iThe
iCritical iComponents iof iNursing iCare iSecond iEdition iby

iKathryn iRudd iChapter i1-22

Chapter i1 iIssues iand iTrends iin iPediatric iNursing

Multiple iChoice
Identify ithe ichoice ithat ibest icompletes ithe istatement ior ianswers ithe iquestion.

i 1. The inurse ihas iprovided ia ipresentation ito imiddle ischool ichildren iabout inursing ias ia icareer.
iOneiof ithe ichildren istated ithat ihe iwanted ito ibe ia ipediatric inurse, ibecause ihe iwants ito itake
icare iof ibabies iand ilittle i―kids.‖ i What i would ibe ian iappropriate iresponse ito ithis i middle
ischool–aged ichild?
1. ―Nursing iis ia i general ipractice; iall inurses i must iknow ihow ito itake icare iof iall
i ages iof ipatients.‖
2. ―As ia ipediatric inurse, iyou i would iget ito icare ifor i babies iand ilittle ikids ias
iwell i as ichildren ithrough itheir i teenage iyears.‖
3. ―What iyou iare idescribing iis iactually ia i neonatal inurse. iNeonatal inurses iwork
i with inewborn ibabies, itoddlers, iand ipreschool-age ichildren.‖
4. ―Being ia i pediatric inurse irequires ia i master’s idegree, i so ibe i sure ito i work
i hard iin ischool!‖

i 2. The imedical-surgical ifloat inurse iis iassigned ito ithe ipediatric iunit ifor ithe ifirst itime iand istates
ithatithe iskills iare i―the i same ias igeneral i nursing i since ichildren iare ilittle iadults iwith ismaller
i bodies.‖ iWhat icomponent iof ipediatric inursing icontraindicates ithis i statement?
1. Pediatric inursing iinvolves icare ibased ion ithe idevelopmental ilevel iof ithe ipatient.
2. Pediatric inursing iinvolves ithe ipatient’s ifamily iin ithe iplan iof icare.
3. Pediatric i nursing i in i based i on i prevention i of i infectious i diseases.
4. Pediatric inursing iinvolves icultural isensitivity iin ipatient icare.

i 3. The i culturally i sensitive i pediatric i nurse i is i aware i of i the i changes i in i the i racial i population i of
i theiUnited iStates. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing ireflects ithe ihistorical ichanges iin ithe iprojected
idemographics iof ithe iU.S. ipediatric ipopulation iin i2020?
1. The iAmerican iIndian iand iAlaska iNative ipopulation iwill icontinue ito idecrease.
2. Less ithan ihalf iof ithe ichildren iwill irepresent iless ithan ihalf iof ithe ipopulation.
3. The iAsian ichildren iwill ireflect ino ichange ifrom i2015 iinto i2020.
4. Non-Hispanic ichildren iwho irepresent itwo ior imore iraces iwill iincrease iin i2020.

i 4. The inurse iat ia ifamily iclinic iis iproviding icare ito ian iadolescent ipatient idiagnosed iwith
idiabetes. iThe ipatient ihas iverbalized idiscomfort iwith ithe ifeelings iof iisolation iwhen iunable ito
idrink ialcoholiwith itheir ifriends. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iwould ibe ithe imost iappropriate
iresponse ito ithis istatement?
1. ―Drinking ialcohol iis inot ionly iillegal ibut idangerous i for i your i blood i sugar
i control iand ioverall i well-being.‖
2. ―You ican istill idrink ialcohol, iin imoderation, iif iyou icontrol ithe isugar i spike
i with imore iinsulin.‖
3. ―Prepare ifor ialcohol iintake iwith imore i water iand iless i carbohydrates ibefore
idrinking iin iorder i to islow isugar i spikes.‖
4. ―It iis iunderstandable ithat iyou i want ito ibe iincluded, ibut iperhaps iwe ican iwork
i out ia iplan ion ihow ito iavoid ithose isituations.‖

,Copyright i© i2019 iF. iA. iDavis iCompany

, i 5. Which istatement ibest idescribes ithe icommon icore iconcepts iof ithe idifferent imodels iof
1. All imodels ifocus ion ithe iopen icommunication ibetween ithe ichild iand inurse.
2. All imodels ifocus ion iimportance iof ifamily irelationship ito ithe ichild.
3. All imodels ifocus ion isafeguarding ithe ichild’s idignity iduring icare.
4. All imodels ifocus ion icoordination iof icare ineeds ithat iarise iduring iillness.

i 6. Which iof ithe ifollowing itasks iis iassociated iwith ithe ipediatric imedical ihome icare imodel
iofipediatric inursing?
1. The inurse irefers ithe ifamily ito ia ichildhood icancer isupport igroup iprior ito
idischargeifrom ithe ihospital.
2. The i nurse i includes i a i simple i explanation i of i the i procedure i to i the i child i based
i uponithe ichild’s idevelopmental ilevel.
3. The inurse iincludes ithe ifamily’s icultural icelebrations iand iobservations
iwhileiproviding icare ito ithe i child.
4. The inurse idevelops ithe iplan iof icare iwith ithe ichild iand ifamily ias ithe ifocal
ipoint iofithe iinterventions.

i 7. The ipediatric inurse ibegins ia iresearch iproject ion i8-year-old ipatients iwith ithe imedical idiagnosis
iofipediatric iacute ionset ineuropsychiatric isyndrome, iPANS. iThe ifamily ihas iconsented ito ithe
iresearch, ibut ias ithe inurse ibegins ito iadminister ithe iintervention, ithe ipatient irefuses ito
icooperate. iWhat iis ithe iappropriate iresponse ito ithis irefusal?
1. The inurse ishould idiscuss iwith ithe ifamily ithe ioptions iof iperforming
itheiintervention iwithout ithe ichild’s iknowledge.
2. The inurse ishould iexplain ito ithe ichild ithat ithis iis inecessary iand ipromise ia
ireward iatithe iend iof ithe iresearch iproject.
3. The inurse ishould irefuse ito iperform ithe iintervention iuntil ithe ichild iconsents ito
itheiintervention iand iproject.
4. The inurse ishould idiscuss ithe ipros iand icons iof ithe iresearch iproject iwith ithe
ichildiand ifocus ion ithe ioutcomes.

i 8. A inurse iis iproviding irelationship-based icare ito ia ipediatric ipatient. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iis
iaichallenge ithe inurse iis ilikely ito iencounter i while iusing ithis imodel iof icare?
1. Maintaining ia isterile ifield ifor ia iprocedure iwith ia irestless itoddler
2. Communicating iwith ithe iblended ifamily ion iregular ibasis
3. Treating ichildren iwith iantibiotic-resistant iillnesses
4. Caring ifor ia ilarger inumber iof ichildren iwith iautism ispectrum idisorders
iandichildhood idepression

i 9. The ipediatric inurse idesires ito iexpand iher icareer ioptions ito ibecome ithe ihospital’s inurse
ieducatoriof ipediatrics. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iis inecessary ifor ithis inurse ito iachieve ithis
icareer igoal?
1. The inurse imust iearn ia iminimum iof ia imaster’s idegree iin inursing.
2. The inurse imust iearn ia iminimum iof ia idoctorate idegree iin inursing.
3. The inurse imust iimplement iand idevelop iresearch iin inursing ipractice.
4. The inurse imust iimplement ia iplan ito iobtain icertification iin ipediatrics.

Copyright i© i2019 iF. iA. iDavis

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