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PETE 325 Exam 3 Questions & Answers 2024/2025 8,82 €
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PETE 325 Exam 3 Questions & Answers 2024/2025

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  • PETE 325

PETE 325 Exam 3 Questions & Answers 2024/2025 simultaneous flow of 2 or more phases will occur in: - ANSWERSalmost all oil wells, in many gas wells when will two phase flow occur in oil wells? - ANSWERSwhenever the pressure drops below bubble point, gas will evolve, and from that point to t...

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  • 10. september 2024
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  • 2024/2025
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  • PETE 325
  • PETE 325
PETE 325 Exam 3 Questions & Answers

simultaneous flow of 2 or more phases will occur in: - ANSWERSalmost all oil wells, in many gas wells

when will two phase flow occur in oil wells? - ANSWERSwhenever the pressure drops below bubble
point, gas will evolve, and from that point to the surface, 2-phase flow will occur

when will two phase flow occur in gas wells? - ANSWERScondensation may occur as pressure drops as
fluids flow up the well

expansion of compressible gas with decreasing pressure increases - ANSWERSin situ volumetric gas flow

phases tend to separate due to - ANSWERSdensity differences

shear stresses at pipe wall are different for - ANSWERSeach phase - different density and viscosity

what causes slippage? - ANSWERSfor upward flow, lighter, more compressible, less viscous, gas phase
flows at a higher velocity than liquid phase

holdup - ANSWERSdenser phase is "held-up" in the pipe relative to lighter phase

the volumetric flow rate of the denser phase in the pipe is - ANSWERSdisproportionately greater than its
feeding rate into the pipe

list the flows with increasing GOR - ANSWERSbubble flow, slug flow, churn flow, annular flow

well deiverability - ANSWERScombination of IPR and OPR (well performance analysis and nodal analysis)

, gas lift design steps - ANSWERSrequired injection gas flow rate, required gas injection pressure and
depth in the annulus, pressure inside the tubing, differential pressure across a valve

gas lift has limited ability to impact - ANSWERSbottom hole pressure (physical - can only lower fluid
density by so much, and delta_p friction increases as gas rate increases, economic - diminishes returns)

pumps can lower bottom hole pressure - ANSWERSto a very low level

types of pumps - ANSWERSpositive displacement pumps (piston/cylinder (rod pump), PCP), centrifugal
pump, jet pump (hydraulic pump), plunger pump

what does a pump do? - ANSWERSit bridges the gas between pwf and pin (tubing) to reach desired
wellbore flow

choke - ANSWERSrestriction that reduces flow rate; the choke is used to control flow from the well

chokes cause a - ANSWERSpressure drop across the choke

what happens when there is a pressure drop in a gas stream? - ANSWERStemperature is reduced

chokes can be placed - ANSWERSdownhole (downhole chokes) or more commonly, they are placed on
the surface downstream of the wing valve, or both

on the surface, chokes can be part of - ANSWERSthe wellhead or part of a line heater, or both

separator - ANSWERSclosed vessel which separates the well stream into different phases

separators use __________ and ___________ to separate the fluids - ANSWERSgravity and impingement
(momentum change)

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