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Nursing 104- Exam 1 ULL Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Latest Update | Verified

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  • Nursing 104

components of The Research Process - -conceptualizing a research study -planning and implementing study -communicating the findings Margaret Newman theory - Health and expanding consciousness: -Central components of this model are health and consciousness followed by concepts of movement, time...

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  • Nursing 104
  • Nursing 104
Nursing 104- Exam 1 ULL
components of The Research Process - -conceptualizing a research study

-planning and implementing study

-communicating the findings

Margaret Newman theory - Health and expanding consciousness:

-Central components of this model are health and consciousness followed by concepts of movement,
time, and space

-all components are summative units

-described in relationship to health and to each other

levels of theory - ranges for broad in scope (grand theory, describe/explain large segments of
human experience) to smaller, more specific in scope. Other levels are middle-range theory and practice
theory (smaller in scope and may refer to a specific pop.)

nursing theory - -A conceptualization of some aspect of nursing reality communicated for a
purpose such as describing or explaining phenomena

- provide a foundation for developing models or frameworks for nursing practice development

nursing science - the collection of data related to nursing as and its associated components. the
purpose of this data collection is to provide a body of scientific knowledge, which provides the basis for
nursing practice

steps in the scientific process - 1. hypothesis:question that is to be main focus, includes indep. and
dep. variables

2. method: what data is to be collected, step-by-step procedure to collect data, easily replicated

3. data collection: collect data

, 4. results:on conclusion of data collection identify outcome

5. evaluation: examine results, determine relevance in answering hypothesis, identify potential for future

criteria for scientific acceptance - 1. inclusiveness: does theory include all concepts related to the
area of interest

2. consistency: can theory address new entities w/o having its founding assumptions changed?

3. accuracy: does theory: explain retrospective occurrences, maintain its capacity to predict future

4. relevance: does theory relate to scientific function from derived? is it reflective of the scientific base?

5. fruitfulness: does theory generate new directions for future research?

6. simplicity: does theory provide road map for replication? simple to follow? make sense?

Florence Nightingale - first nursing theorist

influences that directed her toward theory development: classic education; upper class background,
wealth prominent social life; religion and spirituality; era of reform throughout England

differentiate between science and nursing - -science is a method of bringing together facts and
giving them coherence and integrity

Florence nightingales theory - Theory of practice and environmental adaptation- effect of the
environment on healing

-ventilation and warming, noise, light, variety, diet, chattering hopes and advices, cleanliness (health of

Hildegard Peplau theory - Theory of interpersonal relations model: -explores interpersonal
relationship of nurse and client

-identifies clients feelings as a predictor of positive outcomes related to health and wellness

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