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PSYC 319 Exam 2 | Questions with complete solutions

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PSYC 319 Exam 2 | Questions with complete solutions The book "Principles of Physiological Psychology" was published in 1973 False Wilhelm Wundt is credited as the founder of Psychology. True Wundt believed the mind actively organizes the content of consciousness True Wundt used the term "elements...

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  • PSYC 319
PSYC 319 Exam 2

The book "Principles of Physiological Psychology" was published in 1973

Wilhelm Wundt is credited as the founder of Psychology.

Wundt believed the mind actively organizes the content of consciousness

Wundt used the term "elements" to suggest psychology was like the natural sciences

The subject matter of Wundt's psychology was consciousness

Wilhelm Wundt is the ____ of psychology as a discipline.

a. Originator
b. Founder
c. Forerunner
d. Antecedent

Wundt's productivity as a writer can be quantified by his output, which averaged ____.

a. 1.5 pages a day for approximately 25 years
b. 4.7 pages a day for approximately 15 years
c. 2.2 pages a day for over 50 years
d. Just about 1 page a day for his working life
e. 5 pages a day for over 50 years

Wundt established psychology as distinct from philosophy primarily in terms of its ____.

a. Focus on behavior
b. Use of the experimental model
c. Use of the deduction and induction
d. Subject matter
e. Emphasis on physiology

What book marks the "literary birth" of the new science of psychology?

a. Fechner's Elements of Psychophysics (1860)
b. Fechner's Elements of Psychophysics (1860) and Wundt's Contributions to the

,Theory of Sensory Perception (1858-1862)
c. Helmholtz's Handbook of Physiological Optics (1856-1866)
d. Wundt's Contributions to the Theory of Sensory Perception (1858-1862)
e. Müller's Handbook of Physiology of Mankind (1833-1840)

Wundt's system is most accurately called ____.

a. Psychophysics
b. Experimental Psychology
c. Reductionism
d. Structural psychology
e. Physiological psychology

The cultural psychology of Wundt examined evidence from ____.

a. A content analysis of contemporary newspapers
b. Experimentation
c. Examination of language, myths, customs, law and morals
d. Studies of children and their thinking
e. Philosophy

In 1867, Wundt offered the first course ever given in ____.

a. Physiological psychology
b. Social psychology
c. Introspection
d. Volkerpsychologie
e. Psychophysics

Wundt's influence was so widely felt that, as a tribute, his lab was later replicated in

a. Sweden and Italy
b. The United States and Sweden
c. Japan and Russia
d. Italy and Japan
e. Russia and the United States

Which of the following statements is true of Wundt's cultural psychology?

a. It dealt with various stages of human mental development.
b. It was the same thing as folk psychology.
c. It was the study of socioeconomic strata in society.
d. It became the discipline known as anthropology.
e. It was never published, although some lectures and articles remain

, In his early work when he was his own experimental subject, the 29-year-old Wilhelm
Wundt found that he could ____.

a. Sustain his attention on one thing for a little less than 12 minutes at a time
b. Not pay attention to two things at once
c. Pay attention to two things at once
d. Pay attention to two things at once, but not three
e. Pay attention to three things at once, but not four

The word "voluntarism" is derived from the word volition.
a. True
b. False

A mediate experience precedes immediate experience.
a. True
b. False

Wundt trained his subjects how to introspect properly.
a. True
b. False

Wundt believed that the content of consciousness passively self-organized.
a. True
b. False

According to Wundt, the 2 types of conscious experience are "mediate" and immediate."
a. True
b. False

According to Wundt, psychology should be concerned with the study of ____.

a. The time required for sensory organs to transmit impulses to consciousness
b. Conscious experience
c. The different stages of childhood development
d. Mediate experience
e. Immediate experience

Which of the following is NOT one of Wundt's experimental conditions?

a. Observers must be in a state of readiness.
b. Observers must be able to determine when the process is to begin.
c. Observers must be able to describe the qualitative aspects of their experiences.
d. The observations must be repeatable.
e. It must be possible to control and manipulate the stimuli.

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