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ACP-120 Jira Admin Cert Questions And Answers Graded A+ 7,88 €
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ACP-120 Jira Admin Cert Questions And Answers Graded A+

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  • ACP-120 Jira

Users with this permission will have access to view combined and summarized project data, regardless of their individual permissions. - ️️project; View aggregated data What is the difference field visibility wise when it comes to Screens and Issue Layout (hidden when empty or Hidden fields s...

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  • ACP-120 Jira
  • ACP-120 Jira
ACP-120 Jira Admin Cert
Users with this permission will have access to view combined and summarized project
data, regardless of their individual permissions. - ✔️✔️project; View aggregated data

What is the difference field visibility wise when it comes to Screens and Issue Layout
(hidden when empty or Hidden fields section) versus the Field Configuration (when a
field is hidden on it) and Custom field contexts - ✔️✔️none of them will delete data, but
the screens and issue layout won't affect anything (like searching for data in the field or
the field itself) but if hidden with the field configuration or the custom field context, the
field is not viewable, searchable, or usable in any way

What are the ways a user in Jira can get access? - ✔️✔️User invites, Invite links,
Approved domains, Access requests

Project permission needed for due date field - ✔️✔️Schedule Issues

Project permission needed for Fix Versions field - ✔️✔️Resolve Issues

Project permission needed for Security Level field - ✔️✔️Set Issue Security

Project permission needed for assignee field - ✔️✔️Assign Issues

Project permission needed for reporter field - ✔️✔️Modify Reporter

Project permission needed for watchers field - ✔️✔️View Voters and Watchers

Project permission needed for time tracking fields - ✔️✔️Work on Issues

permissions/config settings associated with the attach files action - ✔️✔️Global -
Attachment size and other settings
Project - Create attachments permission

permissions/config settings associated with the link issues action - ✔️✔️Global - linking
issues is activated
Project - Link Issues permission

permissions/config settings associated with the log time action - ✔️✔️Global - Time
Tracking settings
Project - Work on Issues permission

, what are the actions available for fix versions? - ✔️✔️release, archive, merge, edit,

when multiple components are assigned, who gets assigned to the ticket? - ✔️✔️the
person who is the component lead if they both are component leads, it's the first one on
the list of components.

what is a screen, screen scheme, and an issue type screen scheme - ✔️✔️screen: a
list of fields on a screen
screen scheme: the screens associated with actions (created, edit, view)
issue type screen scheme: the screen schemes associated with issue types

in the issue layout page, which screen is this from? - ✔️✔️the view screen

what are system and custom events used for? - ✔️✔️Notification schemes and
workflows (triggers)

troubleshoot workflow configurations:
user cannot see any transitions - ✔️✔️check Transition Issues project permission

troubleshoot workflow configurations:
user cannot see one transition - ✔️✔️check permissions (project permissions within the
condition; called a permissions condition) or project roles (user is in project role
condition) in condition (either or; or both)

troubleshoot workflow configurations:
user cannot drag card to a board column - ✔️✔️transition condition is not met in the
underlying workflow

troubleshoot workflow configurations:
no one can edit issues in just one status - ✔️✔️check step property - jira.issue.editable

troubleshoot workflow configurations:
some users can't comment in a particular status - ✔️✔️check step property -

troubleshoot workflow misconfiguration:
user cannot add/update a required field during transition - ✔️✔️field may not be on a
transition screen

troubleshoot workflow misconfiguration:
user is not notified when a transition occurs - ✔️✔️wrong event fired, user not listed as
an event recipient in notification scheme, or opted out of notifications

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