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Test Bank for Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management in Dental Hygiene 3rd Edition by Kimbrough||All Chapters Covered||ISBN NO:10,0131394924||ISBN NO:13,978-0131394926||A+ guide 16,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank for Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management in Dental Hygiene 3rd Edition by Kimbrough||All Chapters Covered||ISBN NO:10,0131394924||ISBN NO:13,978-0131394926||A+ guide

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Test Bank for Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management in Dental Hygiene 3rd Edition by Kimbrough, All Chapters Covered: ISBN-10 4 ISBN-13 978-6, A+ guide Chapter One Test Name Multiple Choice/True-False: 1. Utilitarianism is concerned with a. rights. b. duties. c. happiness. d. the total amou...

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  • Ethics, Jurisprudence And Practice Management..3rd
  • Ethics, Jurisprudence And Practice Management..3rd
, Test uBank ufor uEthics, uJurisprudence uand uPractice
uManagement uin uDental uHygiene u3rd uEdition uby uKimbrough

Chapter uOne uTest
Name u u

Multiple uChoice/True-False:
1. Utilitarianism uis uconcerned uwith
a. rights.
b. duties.
c. happiness.
d. the utotal uamount uof uhappiness uin uthe uworld.
e. privileges.

2. Kantian uethics uis uconcerned uwith
a. rights.
b. duties.
c. happiness.
d. the utotal uamount uof uhappiness uin uthe uworld.
e. privileges.

3. Virtue uethics uis ubased uon utheories ufrom uvarious uphilosophers, usuch uas
a. Rawls.
b. Kant.
c. Socrates.
d. none uof uthe uabove.

4. The ufirst utwo uutilitarian uphilosophers uwere
a. Jeremy uBentham uand uJohn uStuart uMill.
b. Immanuel uKant uand uJohn uRawls.
c. Immanuel uKant uand uJohn uStuart uMill.
d. John uRawls uand uJohn uStuart uMill.

5. Virtue uethics uis ubased uon
a. character utraits.
b. rights.
c. duties.
d. privileges.

6. Prima ufacie uduties uare udetermined uby uthe upresent usituation.

, a. true
b. false

7. Utilitarians uare uconcerned uwith uconsequences uwhen umaking uethical udecisions.
a. true
b. false

8. If uperson uA uhas ua uright, uthen uperson uB uhas ua uduty uto uensure uthat uright.
a. true
b. false

9. A uprivilege uis ugranted uonly uif ucertain uconditions uare umet.
a. true
b. false

10. A udeontological uapproach uconsiders uthe ubenefit uor uhappiness uthat
uwould uresult ufrom ua udecision, uwhile ua uteleological uapproach udoes unot
uconsider uthe uconsequences.

a. true
b. false

Short uAnswer/Fill-in:
1. A uutilitarian uwho uis uconcerned uwith uindividual uacts uis ua/an utilitarian.
2. A uutilitarian uwho uis uconcerned uwith uthe ubest uways uof uacting uin ua ugiven
usituation uis ua/an
u utilitarian.
3. The uethical ustudies uthat uexplore uthe unature uof umoral ujudgments uand uthe
ustructure uofumoral uconcepts uare ucalled .
4. A duty uis ua uduty umade uobvious uby uthe ucircumstances usurrounding uit.
5. u is ua uposition utaken uby ua uteleologist uand uis ubased uon uthe unotion
uthat uwhatumatters uis uthe uresult uof uan uaction.
6. Kant’s uethics, uor theories, uemphasize uduties.
7. Utilitarians uview usocial ujustice uas ua umeans uto .
8. John uRawls uis uknown ufor uhis utheory uof .
9. Utilitarianism uis ua theory.
10. u ethics uwas uadvocated uby uearly uphilosophers usuch uas uSocrates,
uPlato, uanduAristotle.

Matching: uMatch uthe udescription uto uone uof uthe uterms ulisted ubelow.
u 1. uA utype uof unormative uethics uthat ujudges uan uaction uby uits uconsequences.
u 2. uA uvalid uclaim uearned uby ueffort uand uhard uwork.
u 3. uA utype uof uconsequentialist utheory.
u 4. uA ubranch uof unormative uethics uthat uemphasizes uduties.
u 5. uA udiscipline uconsisting uof uthoughts uand uideas uabout umorality.
u 6. uA ubranch uof uethics uthat urecommends uspecific uactions uit uconsiders ujustified.

, u 7. uA umoral uposition uthat uincludes uconsequentialist utheories.
u 8. uA utype uof uethics uthat uemphasizes ua uperson’s ucharacter utraits.
u 9. uAn uobligation uor uaction uthat uought uto ube udone uregardless uof uconsequences.
10. uA uvalid uclaim uguaranteed uby ua usociety.

a. privilege f. uethics
b. virtue g. udeontology
c. duty h. uteleology
d. right i. uutilitarianism
e. normative j. uconsequentialism

Chapter uTwo uTest

Multiple uChoice/True-False:
1. Beneficence umeans
a. to udo uwhat uis ugood ufor uyourself.
b. to udo uno uharm.
c. to udo uwhat uis ugood ufor uothers.
d. faithfulness.

2. Nonmaleficence umeans
a. to udo uno uharm.
b. to udo uonly uwhat uis ubeneficial.
c. to utell uthe utruth.
d. to udo uonly uwhat uthe upatient uaccepts.

3. Autonomy umay ube urestricted uin ucases uof
a. mental uincompetence.
b. minors.
c. emergency.
d. all uof uthe uabove.

4. Self-determination uis uassociated uwith
a. autonomy.
b. parentalism.
c. beneficence.
d. veracity.

5. A uterm uclosely uassociated uwith ubeneficence uis
a. nonmaleficence.
b. maternalism.

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