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SS24BTBWB - Back to Basics Questions and Answers 2024 13,30 €
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SS24BTBWB - Back to Basics Questions and Answers 2024

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  • Carrabba\'s

SS24BTBWB - Back to Basics

vorschau 1 aus 2   Seiten

  • 25. september 2024
  • 2
  • 2024/2025
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Carrabba's
  • Carrabba's
SS24BTBWB - Back to Basics

Of the following prospect types, which is the best source of referrals and repeat
business? - answersold customers

To build your referral business, how many times should you ask each sold customer for
referrals? - answera few times each year

After the initial contact with a prospect, recent study revealed that the 80 percent of
sales, ______ follow up attempts were required, on average, to close the deal. -

How soon after delivery should you contact the customer to confirm satisfaction and
answer questions? - answerWithin 24 hours

___________ is the process of getting to know people in your community, building
relationships with the, connecting them with people who can help them, and then
inviting them to do the same for you. - answernetworking

If you're attempting to contact an orphaned owner, and you don't know whether or not
she is in the market for a vehicle, which of the following is the BEST approach to take? -
answerask what yo u can do to deliver a great experience moving forward

If you've taken the sales process as far as yo ucan and your customer wants to go
home and think things over, how should you use iShowroom to best keep the prospect
for a sale alive? Use iShowroom to ________________ . - answerprepare and send a
customized proposal

During which step of the customer centric sales process do you use iShowroom to
identify the vehicle that's the best fit for the customer? - answerdiscover needs

Adhering to the 80/20 rule is a recommended best practice when following up after a
sale. The "80" means that 80 percent of your follow up efforts should - answeroffer
value TO your customer

Delivery is an opportune time to ask your customer for referrals. Complete the referral
inquiry below in the manner that will deliver the best results. "Hey folks, I make a living
from repeat and referral business, and I sure could use your help. " - answer"Who in
your office would likely be he next person to be in the market for a new or used car?"

During which step of the customer centric sales process do you determine where your
customer is in the process and help them move forward? - answerinitiate relationship

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