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Blue Planet Designer Planet Verified 2024 9,21 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Blue Planet Designer Planet Verified 2024

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  • Blue Planet

Blue Planet Designer Planet Verified 2024

vorschau 1 aus 2   Seiten

  • 26. september 2024
  • 2
  • 2024/2025
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Blue Planet
  • Blue Planet
Blue Planet Designer Planet Verified 2024
Based on the information in the images to the right, which of the following areas will be
impacted if we reach 2 degrees Celsius of warming? Select all that apply - ANSWER-

dum - ANSWER-I think implementing many sustainable practices at once may cause
confusion for humans but I also think it will be worth it in the long run, to keep the earth
in livable conditions. While the cost of technologies required may be high, it is worth
investing in as no other purchases will matter if humans do not have a planet to exist

If carbon dioxide is behind the warming trend, why not just remove carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere? What effect might this idea have on Earth's climate? - ANSWER-
Carbon dioxide concentrations and temperatures would drop slowly

If human-made aerosols were introduced into the atmosphere, how could they help
reach your warming target? - ANSWER-Aerosols reduce the amount of solar energy
reaching Earth, reducing its temperature

In 1991 an event occurred which changed the Earth's albedo temporarily - what was
that event? - ANSWER-a massive volcanic eruption

Is your initial target possible with the technologies you tested? - ANSWER-Yes

Let's see just how good we are as a society - if we put in maximum effort on every
single possible technology as soon as possible, where would our temperature rise be by
2150? - ANSWER-2

Take a moment to think about the concept of storing carbon dioxide within deep
geologic formations. - ANSWER-I believe a more productive approach would be
addressing human impact and educating people on sustainability and the effects of not
caring more

Take a moment to think about the possibility of adding aerosols to Earth's atmosphere
deliberately. - ANSWER-I think this could be hit or miss. There are risks involved in
doing so and in not. The risk of unchecked climate change compared to risks of doing

Take a moment to think about the possibility of reducing the brightness of the Sun
deliberately. - ANSWER-I hate the idea of this, it seems like a cop out instead of
fundamentally addressing why humans have made the problems of global warming
worse to begin with.

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