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COMPLETE TEST BANK: McCance & Huether’s Pathophysiology 9th Edition by Julia Rogers DNP RN CNS FNP-BC (Author) latest Update. 20,20 €
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COMPLETE TEST BANK: McCance & Huether’s Pathophysiology 9th Edition by Julia Rogers DNP RN CNS FNP-BC (Author) latest Update.

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COMPLETE TEST BANK: McCance & Huether’s Pathophysiology 9th Edition by Julia Rogers DNP RN CNS FNP-BC (Author) latest Update.

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  • 2. oktober 2024
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  • McCance & Huether’s Pathophysiology
  • McCance & Huether’s Pathophysiology
McCance & Huether’s Pathophysiology 9th Edition
by Julia Rogers DNP RN CNS FNP-BC (Author) latest Update.


,table of contents
unit i the cell
1 cellular biology
2 altered cellular and tissue biology: environmental agents
3 the cellular environment: fluids and electrolytes, acids and bases

unit ii genes and gene-environment interaction
4 genes and genetic diseases
5 genes, environment-lifestyle, and common diseases
6 epigenetics and disease

unit iii mechanisms of self-defense
7 innate immunity: inflammation and wound healing
8 adaptive immunity
9 alterations in immunity
10 infection
11 stress and disease

unit iv cellular proliferation: cancer
12 cancer biology
13 cancer epidemiology
14 cancer in children and adolescents

unit v the neurologic system
15 structure and function of the neurologic system
16 pain, temperature regulation, sleep, and sensory function
17alterations in cognitive systems, cerebral hemodynamics, and motor function
18 alterations of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves
19 neurobiology of schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress
disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder
20 alterations of neurologic function in children

unit vi the endocrine system
21 mechanisms of hormonal regulation
22 alterations of hormonal regulation
23 obesity, starvation, and anorexia of aging

unit vii the reproductive systems
24 structure and function of the reproductive systems
25 alterations of the female reproductive system
26 alterations of the male reproductive system
27 sexually transmitted infections

unit viii the hematologic system
28 structure and function of the hematologic system
29 alterations of hematologic function
30 alterations of hematologic function in children

unit ix the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
31 structure and function of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
32 alterations of cardiovascular function
33 alterations of cardiovascular function in children

, unit x the pulmonary system
34 structure and function of the pulmonary system
35 alterations of pulmonary function
36 alterations of pulmonary function in children

unit xi the renal and urologic systems
37 structure and function of the renal and urologic systems
38 alterations of renal and urinary tract function
39 alterations of renal and urinary tract function in children

unit xii the digestive system
40 structure and function of the digestive system, 1285
41 alterations of digestive function
42 alterations of digestive function in children

unit xiii the musculoskeletal system
43 structure and function of the musculoskeletal system
44 alterations of musculoskeletal function
45 alterations of musculoskeletal function in children

unit xiv the integumentary system
46 structure, function, and disorders of the integument
47 alterations of the integument in children

unit xv multiple interacting systems
48 shock, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and burns in adults
49 shock, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and burns in children

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