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NWHSU Embryology Exam 2 Review Questions and Answers 12,25 €
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NWHSU Embryology Exam 2 Review Questions and Answers

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NWHSU Embryology Exam 2 Review Questions and Answers

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NWHSU Embryology Exam 2 Review
Questions and Answers

Prosencephalon iior iiForebrain
Mesencephalon iior iiMidbrain
Rhombencephalon iior iiHindbrain

The iicephalic iiend iiof iithe iineural iitube iishows iithree iidilations. iiList iithese iiPrimary
iiBrain iivesicles.


The ii____________ iiend iiof iithe iineural iitube iidevelops iithree iidilations iicalled iithe
iithree iiprimary iibrain iivesicles.

Primary iiBrain iiVesicles

The iiProsencephalon, iiMesencephalon, iiand iiRhombencephalon iiare iiall iireferred
iito iias iithe iithree ii_____________________.

The iicephalic iiflexure ii(in iimidbrain) iiand iithe iicervical iiflexure ii(at iijunction iiof iithe
iihindbrain iiand iispinal iicord)

At iithe iisame iitime iithat iithe iiprimary iibrain iivesicles iiare iideveloping, iiwhat iielse iiit

28 iiDays

At iiapproximately ii______ iidays iiyou iican iifind iithe iiflexures iiand iithe iiprimary
iibrain iivesicles iiin iithe iineural iitube

Cephalic iiFlexure

What iiflexure iican iiyou iifind iiin iithe iimidbrain iiregion iiof iithe iineural iitube?

Midbrain iiRegion iiof iiNeural iiTube

,The iiCephalic iiFlexure iiis iifound iiwhere?

Cervical iiFlexure

What iiflexure iican iiyou iifind iiat iithe iijunction iiof iithe iihindbrain iiand iithe iispinal
iicord iion iithe iineural iitube?

At iithe iijunction iiof iithe iihindbrain iiand iithe iispinal iicord iion iithe iineural iitube

The iiCervical iiFlexure iican iibe iifound iiwhere?

5 iiWeeks

How iimany iiweeks iiof iiembryology iidoes iiit iitake iifor iithe iiprimary iibrain iivesicles
iito iifurther iidifferentiate iiinto iithe iifive iisecondary iivesicles?

Five iiSecondary iiVesicles

By iifive iiweeks iiof iidevelopment iithe iithree iiprimary iibrain iivesicles iihave iifurther
iidifferentiated iiinto ii_____________________.

The iiProsencephalon iihas iinow iiformed iithe iitelencephalon iiand iidiencephalon.
iiThe iiMesencephalon iihas iinow iiremained iithe iimesencephalon iiand iithe

iiRhombencephalon iihas iinow iiformed iithe iimetencephalon iiand


By ii5 iiweeks, iithe ii3 iibrain iivesicles iihave iifurther iidifferentiated iiinto ii5 iisecondary
iivesicles. iiThe iiProsencephalon iihas iinow iiformed/remained iithe

ii___________________________. iiThe iiMesencephalon iihas iinow

iiformed/remained iithe ii______________ iiand iithe iiRhombencephalon iihas iinow

iiforms/remained iithe ii_____________________.

Telencephalon iiand iiDiencephalon

The iiProsencephalon iifurther iidevelops iiinto iithe

Doesn't iifurther iidevelop. iiRemains iias iiMesencephalon

, The iiMesencephalon iifurther iidevelops iiinto iithe ii__________________

Metencephalon iiand iiMyelencephalon

The iiRhombencephalon iifurther iidevelops iiinto iithe ii___________________

The iiPrimary iiBrain iiVesicle iinamed iithe iiProsencephalon

The iiTelencephalon iiand iiDiencephalon iiare iitwo iiof iithe iifive iisecondary iivesicles.
iiWhat iidid iithese iitwo iivesicles iiarise iifrom?

Only iiPrimary iiBrain iiVesicle iithat iiremains iias iithe iiMesencephalon iiwhen iiit
iidifferentiates iiinto iithe ii5 iisecondary iivesicles.

The iiMesencephalon iiis iiunique iito iiall iithe iiother iiPrimary iiBrain iiVesicles. iiHow?

The iiRhombencephalon

Metencephalon iiand iiMyelencephalon iiare iitwo iiof iithe iifive iisecondary iivesicles.
iiWhat iidid iithese iitwo iivesicles iiarise iifrom?

Different iiparts iiof iithe iibrain.

Generally iispeaking, iieach iiof iithe iifive iisecondary iivesicles iicontribute iito iiwhat?

Cerebral iiHemispheres

The iifive iisecondary iivesicles iieach iicontribute iito iidifferent iiparts iiof iithe iibrain.
iiThe iiTelencephalon iicontributes iito iiwhat iipart(s) iiof iithe iibrain?

Optic iiVesicle, iiThalamus, iiHypothalamus, iiand iiPituitary

The iifive iisecondary iivesicles iieach iicontribute iito iidifferent iiparts iiof iithe iibrain.
iiThe iiDiencephalon iicontributes iito iiwhat iipart(s) iiof iithe iibrain?

Anterior iiand iiPosterior iiColliculi

The iifive iisecondary iivesicles iieach iicontribute iito iidifferent iiparts iiof iithe iibrain.
iiThe iiMesencephalon iicontributes iito iiwhat iipart(s) iiof iithe iibrain?

Cerebellum iiand iiPons

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