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PSYC 305 Final Exam || Questions and 100% Accurate Answers.

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Traits correct answers universal dimensions (exist in all people around the world) with individual differences (any adjective or noun), that describes the way some are and others are not internal causal properties correct answers Traits are internal (carried across situations) and influence or c...

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  • PSYC 305
PSYC 305 Final Exam || Questions and 100% Accurate
Traits correct answers universal dimensions (exist in all people around the world) with individual
differences (any adjective or noun), that describes the way some are and others are not

internal causal properties correct answers Traits are internal (carried across situations) and
influence or cause behaviour via the Big 5 Models (and personality psych in general) - more
difficult to measure (look at observable behaivour AND internal experiences)

descriptive summaries of behaviour correct answers Traits merely describe average behaviour
over time (no assumption about internality or causality) via the Act Frequency Approach-
measured as observable behaviour

lexical approach correct answers approach proposing that the most crucial features of personality
are embedded in our language

Importance indicated by:
* synonym frequency
* cross-cultural universality

statistical approach correct answers start with lexical approach to get a pool and then use factor
analysis, or similar statistical procedures (group words from a large pool via covariance), to
identify major personality traits

theoretical approach correct answers starts with a theoretical framework which determine which
variable or traits are important to study (used as a basis for a model or taxonomy of personality)

What do trait taxonomies assume? correct answers That some traits are more important (or more
fundamental) than other traits. Ie some traits better account for individual differences in
experiences and outcomes.

Eysenck Hierarchical Model of Personality correct answers * heritable
* psychophysiological foundation

What are the 3 broad traits of Eysenck's model? correct answers Psychoticism -> Agreeableness
Neuroticism -> Emotional Stability
Extraversion -> Introversion

What is the hierarchy of Eysenck's model? correct answers Narrower Traits: Sociability
Habitual Actions: Starting conversations
Specific Actions: Talking to a stranger this morning

What are the psychophysiological foundations of extraversion? correct answers introverts
chronically experience more cortical arousal than extraverts, therefore avoid simulation

,*yes more reactive to moderate levels of stimulations than extraverts (difference in reactivity of
CNS, not baseline activity)

What are the psychophysiological foundations of psychoticism? correct answers High levels of
T, low levels of MAO an enzyme that regulates neurotransmitters (threshold for stimulation
lower therefore seek out more sensation seeking)

* yes correlations with high T and low MAO correct, low MAO = high sensation seeking and
impulsivity (more stimulation required for optimal arousal), also excessive dopamine activity

What are the psychophysiological of neuroticism? correct answers associated with increased
reactivity of limbic system and low tolerance for stress, ANS more easily activated

* yes high neuroticism associated with increased psychological and physiological reactivity (eg.
SC) + rate stress response as higher

Problems with Eysenck's Model correct answers * empirical studies have found more than 3
* other traits also demonstrate heritability
* other traits demonstrate psychophysiological foundation

The Wiggins Circumplex correct answers interpersonal traits, interactions between people
involving social exchanges

* love (communion) emotional component
* status (agency) social component

Agency correct answers competence, assertiveness, getting ahead (1 of the big 2)

Communison correct answers warmth, morality, getting along (1 of the big 2)

The Five-Factor Model/ The Big 5 correct answers Starts with lexical approach then statistical -
discovered at least 5 times

Big 5 - Goldberg
The Five-Factor Model Costa and McCrae


The Hexaco Model correct answers Honesty-Humility - let's us predict the dark traits (socially

Sincerity - Fairness - Greed Avoidance - Modesty


, eXtraversion
Agreeableness (includes anger whereas anger is under neuroticism in Big 5)
Openness to Experience

Goldilocks zone of personality measurement correct answers narrow traits best at predicting

Dark Traits correct answers narcissism, machiavellianism, psychopathy, sadism

Hierarchy of Big 5 correct answers Broad Traits
Narrow Traits
Specific Behaviours

Situationists correct answers argue that the situation is far more important than personality traits
in determining behavior (behaviour varies across situations)

Trait psychologists correct answers assumed cross-situation consistency

Interactionism correct answers the idea that situations and personality interact to determine

situational specificity correct answers Certain situations can provoke behavior that is out of
character for an individual eg. high stress...impossible to predict

strong situations correct answers tend to mask differences in personality because of the power of
the social environment...easy to predict (eg. grief)

weak situations correct answers tend to reveal differences in personality (sure.)

What are the mechanisms of interactions? correct answers * selection: choose situations which
reflect personality
* evocation: certain personality traits evoke specific responses from others
* manipulation: intentionally influence other's behavior or alter environments

Peron-Environment Fit correct answers Work well in some settings, less so in others

MBTI correct answers identify psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and
make decisions

* takes categorical approach to personality "types", assumes low variability within a type and
lots of variability within
* forced-choice response
* use median of sample - changes decision based on the day of the test

= low test-retest reliability

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