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Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation 2nd Edition Test Bank by Catana Brown, Virginia C. Stoffel , Jaime Muñoz 18,21 €
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Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation 2nd Edition Test Bank by Catana Brown, Virginia C. Stoffel , Jaime Muñoz

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  • Occupational Therapy In Mental Health
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This isn't a book,a test bank is a collection of pre-written exam questions and answers designed to help educators assess and evaluate students' knowledge and understanding of course material. It serves as a valuable resource for creating quizzes and exams, saving instructors time and ensuring...

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  • Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
  • Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation 2nd Edition Test Bank

Chapter 1: Recovery

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following best describes recovery?

a. Recovery is a personal, holistic process.

b. Recovery defines a sense of purpose focused on the limitations of the disability.

c. Recovery means being disease-free.

d. Recovery is a process where individuals learn to rely on others to achieve their goals.

ANS: a

Topic: Definitions of Recovery

LO: 1.1

2. A client with schizophrenia is working with her occupational therapist on achieving her goal of
returning to work. During your last session, she told you that for the first time she was feeling motivated
to return to work and was beginning to see a brighter future. Which of the 10 Guiding Principles of
Recovery does this best represent?

a. Respect

b. Strengths and responsibilities

c. Hope

d. Person-driven

ANS: c

Topic: Principles of Recovery

LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2019 by F. A. Davis Company

,Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation 2nd Edition Test Bank

3. During an inpatient group, the occupational therapy group members are asked to identify social
supports, including family, friends, community members, and so on, who they find supportive and offer
hope and encouragement. Which principle of recovery does this represent?

a. Respect

b. Relational

c. Peer support

d. Hope

ANS: b

Topic: Principles of Recovery

LO: 1.1

4. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration identifies four dimensions of
recovery: health, home, purpose, and community. The ability to engage in meaningful daily activities is
an example of _________.

a. Health

b. Home

c. Purpose

d. Community

ANS: c

Topic: Dimensions of Recovery

LO: 1.2

Copyright © 2019 by F. A. Davis Company

,Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation 2nd Edition Test Bank

5. A client with depression has come to the local community center to learn more about health and
wellness. Which of the following best describes health, as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration?

a. Managing one’s disorder(s) and making healthy choices that support physical and emotional

b. Focusing on the physical aspects of one’s well-being

c. Fulfillment of one’s potential through meaningful activities

d. Full engagement in one’s community

ANS: a

Topic: Dimensions of Recovery

LO: 1.2

6. Which of the following most accurately defines how an occupational therapist can support
someone in recovery?

a. The occupational therapist should set goals for the individual based on the individual’s deficit

b. The occupational therapist should encourage the individual to maintain medication compliance.

c. The occupational therapist should focus on improving client factors.

d. The occupational therapist should assess areas of occupation the individual wants to engage in
and complete an analysis of occupational performance to identify skills and abilities that support or
impede engagement.

ANS: d

Topic: Dimensions of Recovery

LO: 1.1 & 1.2

7. Recovery has not only changed people’s lives but it has changed policy as well. Which of the
following U.S. policies has been cited as moving the health system toward a more integrated, holistic
model of care addressing physical and behavioral health needs?

Copyright © 2019 by F. A. Davis Company

, Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation 2nd Edition Test Bank

a. Recovery-to-Practice Act

b. Affordable Care Act

c. Excellence in Mental Health Act

d. Return to Work Act

ANS: b

Topic: Recovery as a Change Agent

LO: 1.4

Chapter 2: The Unfolding History of Occupational Therapy in Mental Health

Multiple Choice

1. A humanistic treatment approach had a major impact on the formation of occupational
therapy and is still an important aspect of occupational therapy’s philosophy. Which 19th
century theory can this approach be attributed to?
a. Moral Treatment
b. Arts and Crafts Movement
c. Mental Hygiene Movement
d. Reductionistic Movement
ANS: a
Topic: History of Occupational Therapy
LO: 2.1

Copyright © 2019 by F. A. Davis Company

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