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SSAT Analogies Test Bank Actual Questions and Answers 100% Complete

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SSAT Analogies Test Bank Actual Questions and Answers 100% Complete Aquarium is to fish as arboretum is to A) elephant B) horse C) flower D) tree E) dog - Answer- D. Associated Location. An X is kept in a Y. An arboretum is a botanical garden. Cadet is to soldier as A) apprentice is t...

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  • SSAT Analogies
SSAT Analogies Test Bank 2024-2025
Actual Questions and Answers 100%

Aquarium is to fish as arboretum is to
A) elephant
B) horse
C) flower
D) tree
E) dog - Answer- D. Associated Location. An X is kept in a Y. An arboretum is a
botanical garden.

Cadet is to soldier as
A) apprentice is to craftsman
B) private is to army
C) yeoman is to sailor
D) rookie is to athlete
E) lawyer is to judge - Answer- A. Specific Type. An X is a [gender] Y. Father is to
parent as brother is to sibling.

Passive is to aggressive as
A) simple is to complex
B) meek is to overbearing
C) shy is to garrulous
D) bellicose is to amiable
E) terrified is to composed - Answer- B. Antonyms.

Dime is to coin as almond is to
A) fruit
B) delicacy
C) food
D) bush
E) nut - Answer- E. Type.

Ice is to skating as
A) highway is to driving
B) ballroom is to dancing
C) ring is to boxing
D) felt is to billiards

, E) water is to diving - Answer- D. Associated Material. An X typically works with Y.
Carpenter is to wood as tailor is to fabric.

Paranoid is to suspicious as
A) distraught is to perturbed
B) urban is to rural
C) wealthy is to affluent
D) jubilant is to ecstatic
E) melancholy is to aloof - Answer- A. Associated characteristic.

Fireman is to extinguish as
A) principal is to teach
B) vendor is to sell
C) policeman is to warn
D) worker is to retire
E) accountant is to save - Answer- B. Primary Purpose. An X provides a Y.

Pearl is to oyster as
A) silk is to thread
B) marble is to statue
C) web is to spider
D) ivory is to elephant
E) calcium is to bone - Answer- D. Product. An X produces Y. Cow is to milk as bee is
to honey.

Chandler is to wax as
A) Cooper is to barrel
B) wheelwright is to wheel
C) baker is to bread
D) carpenter is to wood
E) blacksmith is to horseshoe - Answer- D. Associated Material. An X typically works
with Y.

Gathering is to mob as
A) frenzy is to shark
B) stray is to cat
C) fire is to inferno
D) storm is to tempest
E) filibuster is to speech - Answer- C. Degree. Mob - a large crowd. Inferno - a large fire
that is dangerously out of control.

Acre is to land as
A) luminosity is to space
B) piquant is to dish
C) fathom is to water
D) millimeter is to fluid

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