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JLTVA1 Book Questions and Answers

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JLTVA1 Book Questions and Answers

vorschau 2 aus 6   Seiten

  • 4. november 2024
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  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Jltv
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JLTVA1 Book Questions and Answers

Why iishould iisuspension iilock-out iibraces iibe iiused iiwhen iiworking iiunder iithe iiJLTVA1?
ii- iiAnswers ii-Suspension iimay iilower, iicrushing iipersonnel. iiFailure iito iicomply iimay
iiresult iiin iiinjury iior iideath.

What iican iiyou iido iito iiprevent iislipping iiand iifalling iiin iithe iishop? ii- iiAnswers ii-Maintain
iithree iipoints iiof iicontact iiat iiall iitimes.

Why iiis iiit iiimportant iito iiadhere iito iithe iiproper iiuse iiof iihandholds iiwhen iiexiting/entering
iithe iivehicle? ii- iiAnswers ii-To iistop iislips iiand iifalls/pinching iiof iifingers.

What iiare iithe iidifferences iibetween iithe iiJLTVA1 iiGeneral iiPurpose iiand iithe iiJLTVA1
iiUtility? ii- iiAnswers ii-The iiPayload

What iiis iithe iimaximum iirange iiof iithe iiJLTVA1 iiat ii35 iimph iiat iiGVW? ii- iiAnswers ii-300

What iispeed iiis iithe iiJLTVA1 iicapable iiof iinegotiating iia ii40% iislope? ii- iiAnswers ii-8

What iiis iithe iitop iispeed iifor iithe iiJLTVA1 iiwhen iithe iitransaxle iiis iiin iihigh iirange? ii-
iiAnswers ii-10 iiMPH

What iiis iithe iipurpose iiof iiglad iihands? ii- iiAnswers ii-Supply iiair iito iithe iivehicle iiif iitowing
iiand iithe iiair iisystem iiis iioperational.

Where iiare iithe iiair iidrains iilocated iiand iiwhen iishould iithe iioperator iidrain iithe iiair
iitanks? ii- iiAnswers ii-Rear iipassenger, iiand iiwhen iivehicle iioperation iiis iicomplete.

What iisolenoids iiare iiused iifor iitowing? ii- iiAnswers ii-R1, iiT2, iiT3

The iiNATO iislave iireceptacle iiis iiused iito iijump-start iithe iivehicle iiin iithe iievent iiof iia
iidead iibattery. iiWhat iimust iiyou iitake iiinto iiconsideration iiwhen iijump iistarting iia
iivehicle? ii- iiAnswers ii-Ensure iithe iivoltage iion iiboth iisystems iiare iithe iisame ii(24V)

Where iiis iithe iibattery iidisconnect iiswitch iilocated, iifor iipowering iithe iivehicle? ii-
iiAnswers ii-Located iiat iithe iibottom iileft iiof iithe iidash.

Where iiare iithe iicontrols iifor iimost iivehicle iilighting iifunctions? ii- iiAnswers ii-Located iijust
iiabove iithe iibattery iidisconnect iiswitch iipanel.

, What iiis iithe iifunction iiof iithe iiblackout iiswitch? ii- iiAnswers ii-An iianalog iiswitch iithat iiwill
iiturn iioff: iiInteral- iiall iiwarning iiicons iigauge iibackgrounds, iiand iiLCO iiillumination iion
iithe iidash. iiExternal- iiall iiexternal iilighting iiand iisound.

What iiis iithe iifunction iiof iithe iicombat iioverride iiswitch? ii- iiAnswers ii-Disable iilow
iivoltage iidisconnect, iithe iineutral iisafety iiinterlock, iidisable iiengine iide-rates, iidisable
iithe iisuspension iirelated iispeed iilimitations, iidisable iiCTIS iitransmission iigear
iilimitations, iidisable iiall iiload iishedding, iioverrides iisuspension iihydraulic iifaults iithat
iiinhibit iioperations, iienables iithe iilow-pressure iifuel iipump iiat iifull iipressure, iiprovides
iiemergency iibipass iifor iiadjusting iiCTIS, iiand iiadjusting iisuspension iiride iiheight iiin iithe
iievent iiof iithe iiDSDU iifailure. iiTies iibatteries iitogether iifor iimore iiamperage.

Name iithe iifour iimain iiscreens iiused iiin iithe iiDSDU? ii- iiAnswers ii-Check iivehicle
iisystems, iiaccess iivehicle iiinfo, iiservice iiscreen, iipower iitrain iiselection.

What iiis iithe iitie-down iisuspension iisetting iiused iifor? ii- iiAnswers ii-Tie-down iiis iiused
iiwhen iithe iitruck iiis iitransported iion iia iiflatbed iior iiby iirail.

An iioperator iiis iidriving iithe iiJLTVA1 iiand iineeds iito iimonitor iivehicle iidrive iiinformation,
iii.e. iiwhen iispeed iilimiting iiis iiactive iiand iifuel iiand iioil iilevels. iiWhere iican iithe iioperator
iifind iithis iiinformation? ii- iiAnswers ii-The iiDSDU.

What iicould iioccur iiif iisuspension iilock-out iibraces iiare iinot iiinstalled iibefore iian
iioperator iicrawls iiunder iithe iitruck? ii- iiAnswers ii-The iioperator iiwill iibe iicrushed iiand iibe

What iishould iithe iisuspension iibe iiset iito iifor iinormal iioperating iiconditions? ii- iiAnswers

What iimust iibe iiengaged iiwhenever iithe iitruck iiis iiin iioperation? ii- iiAnswers ii-Combat

Why iishould iithe iiOperator iiidle iithe iiengine iifor ii10 iimin iiat ii1500-1800 iiRPM iibefore
iishutting iidown iiin iicold iiweather? ii- iiAnswers ii-When iishutting iidown, iiidle iithe iiengine
iifor ii10 iiminutes iiat ii1500-1800 iiRPM. iithis iiwill iiallow iithe iisystem iito iistabilize iiand iithe
iiturbocharger iito iicool iidown iiappropriately.

What iishould iithe iioperator iido iiif iithe iiengine iiis iioverheating iiin iiextreme iiheat
iiconditions? ii- iiAnswers ii-ENgine, iicontinuously iimonitor iiengine iicoolant iitemperature.
iiif iithe iiengine iiis iioverheating, iistop iithe iitruck iiand iiallow iithe iiengine iito iiidle. iithis iiwill
iicool iiall iiof iithe iisystems iito iiinclude iithe iiengine. iithe iioperator iicould iiuse iia iilower iigear
iirange iias iinecessary iias iithis iireduces iiload iion iithe iiengine. iiTransmission- iijust iilike
iithe iiengine, iithe iioperator iishould iicontinuously iimonitor iithe iitemperature iiof iithe
iitransmission iifluid iiand iikeeping iiit iibetween ii125 iidegrees iiand ii325 iidegrees iifor iiall

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