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ABSITE Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Exam With Complete Solutions 14,71 €
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ABSITE Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Exam With Complete Solutions

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ABSITE Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Exam With Complete Solutions...

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  • ABSITE Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • ABSITE Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
ABSITE Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Exam
With Complete Solutions

What type of UV radiation has been associated with skin cancer?


What is the most common skin cancer in the US?

basal cell carcinoma

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screenBrainpowerRead MoreWhat are the classic physical findings of basal cell

pearly appearance with rolled edges +/- telangiectasia

What subtype of basal cell carcinoma is considered to be the most aggressive?

morpheaform type, as it produces collagenase

What is acceptable margin for basal cell carcinoma treatment?

3-mm margins are acceptable

frozen section can be used intraoperatively

What is the most common physical finding of squamous cell carcinoma?

scaly appearance



,What is the name of the cancer associated with a previous burn injury?

Marjolin ulcer

- Eponym for SCC arising in an old burn injury

-Ulcer that fails to heal: Granulation tissue, bleeding, everted wound margins

- can also develop in areas of chronic inflammation/enteric fistula

- Poor Prognosis (Mets after tx 40%)

Require Wide Excision with 1 cm Margins

What are appropriate margins for cutaneous SCC?

low-risk lesions (well differentiated, <2 cm): 4-mm margins

high-risk lesions (face, hands, genitalia; >2 cm): >6-mm margins

What are risk factors for development of SCC?

actinic keratosis


atrophic dermatitis

Bowen disease


fair skin




previous skin cancer

radiation exposure

sun exposure

xeroderma pigmentosum

,What is the natural history of SCC?

actinic keratosis → Bowen disease (SCC in situ) → SCC

Besides sun exposure, what classically is a risk factor for SCC?

history of organ transplant or any other immunocompromised state, including biologic
drugs for autoimmune conditions

Can SCC metastasize?

yes (uncommon) - can metastasize to lymph nodes

- regional adenectomy should be performed

- parotid gland is most frequent site of mets for lesions of cheek or temple

For which of the following scenarios can Mohs surgery be used for BCC or SCC?

sensitive areas: perioral, periocular, perinasal, ears, hands, genitalia

high risk or recurrent lesions

What is the most common site of melanoma on the skin in males? In females?

Male: back

Female: legs

What is the most common site for a distant metastasis of melanoma?

lung: surgery may palliate pain associated with metastatic melanoma to the lung, but it
is not curative

What is the most common metastasis to the small bowel?

, melanoma

What margins are recommended for a melanoma skin lesion with thickness of 1mm?

1-mm thickness: 1-cm margins

>2 mm thickness: 2-cm margins

Lentigo maligna/melanoma in situ: 0.5-cm margins

Can electrocautery be used for excisional biopsy of melanoma?

No, cold knife excision should be used to not disturb the deep margin with burn artifact

What types of melanoma are there?

- superficial spreading

- lentigo maligna melanoma

- acral lentiginous

- nodular

What is the most common type of melanoma?

superficial spreading

What is the least aggressive type of melanoma?

lentigo maligna

What is the most aggressive type of melanoma?

nodular, but acral lentiginous is also aggressive and presents late because of location
on feet/hands

If a melanoma lesion is <1 mm thickness and no lymphadenopathy is palpated, does any
additional workup need to be performed?

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