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English Cumulative Exam Practice Questions and Answers 100% Pass 12,25 €
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English Cumulative Exam Practice Questions and Answers 100% Pass

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English Cumulative Exam Practice Questions and Answers 100% Pass Which answer choice is the best example of a theme? A.-success B.-Hard work and determination can lead to success. C.-Few athletes become professionally successful. D.-success in the workplace - ANSWER-B.-Hard work and determina...

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English Cumulative Exam Practice

Questions and Answers 100% Pass

Which answer choice is the best example of a theme?


B.-Hard work and determination can lead to success.

C.-Few athletes become professionally successful.

D.-success in the workplace - ANSWER✔✔-B.-Hard work and determination can lead to success.

How does rereading information in a text help a reader monitor comprehension?

A.-The reader can look up the definitions of difficult vocabulary words by reading additional references.

B.-The reader scans the information in the text quickly to get a general idea of what the text is about.

C.-The reader learns about the time period when the text was written by reading the author's biography.

D.-The reader gains a clear understanding of the details in the text before moving on to read more. -

ANSWER✔✔-D.-The reader gains a clear understanding of the details in the text before moving on to

read more.

Read the excerpt from "The New Marvel in Photography" by H. J. W. Dam.

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In all the history of scientific discovery there has never been, perhaps, so general, rapid, and dramatic an

effect wrought on the scientific centres of Europe as has followed, in the past four weeks, upon an

announcement made to the Würzburg Physico-Medical Society, at their December meeting, by Professor

William Konrad Röntgen, professor of physics at the Royal University of Würzburg. The first news which

reached London was by telegraph from Vienna to the effect that a Professor Röntgen, until then the

possessor of only a local fame in the town mentioned, had discovered a new kind of light, which

penetrated and photographed through everything. This news was received with a mild interest, some

amusement, and much incredulity; and a week passed. Then, by mail and telegraph, came daily clear

indications of the stir which the discovery was making in - ANSWER✔✔-D.-It is revealed through a

sequence of events and defined at the end of the text.

Read the excerpt from This Land Was Made for You and Me.

Woody thought there was plenty to worry about. The Great Depression, which had begun in 1929, was

grinding on. For years, desperate, hungry people had been tramping the roads and riding the rails,

looking for work or handouts.

Which song did Woody Guthrie most likely write based on these observations?

A.-"California Stars"

B.-"Gotta Work"

C.-"Mail Myself to You"

D.-"No Fear" - ANSWER✔✔-B.-"Gotta Work"

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