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MTL 200 Final Exam Mostly Tested Questions and Correct Answers (100% Pass) 13,24 €
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MTL 200 Final Exam Mostly Tested Questions and Correct Answers (100% Pass)

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  • MTL 200

What are ceramics? Ceramics are elements composed of at least two elements, often more, with complex crystal structures that range from purely ionic to totally covalent. Anisotropy directionality of properties What influences the crystal structure of ceramics? The electrical charge of i...

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  • 19. november 2024
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  • 2024/2025
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • MTL 200
  • MTL 200
1|Page | © copyright 2024/2025 | Grade A+

MTL 200 Final Exam Mostly Tested
Questions and Correct Answers
(100% Pass)
What are ceramics?

✓ Ceramics are elements composed of at least two elements, often

more, with complex crystal structures that range from purely ionic to

totally covalent.


✓ directionality of properties

What influences the crystal structure of ceramics?

✓ The electrical charge of ions and the relative sizes of the anion and


Why must a ceramic molecule be neutral?

✓ The net charge across the cation and anion must be 0, and the whole

ceramic molecule must be neutral.

What do cations and anions prefer in terms of nearest neighbors?

Master01 | November, 2024/2025 | Latest update

, 1|Page | © copyright 2024/2025 | Grade A+

✓ Cations prefer to have as many nearest neighbor anions as possible,

and anions prefer to have as many cations as possible.

What are the most common coordination numbers in ceramics?

✓ The most common coordination numbers in ceramics are 4, 6, and 8

What happens when the ratio of the radii is greater than 1?

✓ The coordination number is 12.

What are the 3 types of ceramic crystal structures?

✓ AX, AmXp, and AmBnXp Type

What are the 3 subdivisions of AX- Type ceramic structure?

✓ 1. Rock salt structure (NaCl)

✓ 2. Cesium Chloride Structure (CsCl)

✓ 3. Zinc Blende Structutre (ZnS)

What is the main relationship between the unit cell and rock salt structure

(NaCl) and its coordination number?

Master01 | November, 2024/2025 | Latest update

, 1|Page | © copyright 2024/2025 | Grade A+

✓ The main relationship is 2(r_c + r_a) = a.

✓ Its coordination number is 6.

How many anions and cations do you have in a Rock Salt Structure?

✓ 4 anions and 4 cations.

What is the main relationship between the unit cell and cesium chloride

structure (CsCl)and its coordination number?

✓ The main relationship is 2(r_c + r_a) = sqrt(3)a.

✓ Its coordination number is 8.

What is the main relationship between the unit cell and zinc blende structure

(ZnS) and its coordination number?

✓ The main relationship is 4(r_c + r_a) = sqrt(3)a.

✓ Its coordination number is 4.

What is the equation for the volume of a sphere?

Master01 | November, 2024/2025 | Latest update

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